Will Smith’s most successful film after an absolute career low

Will Smiths most successful film after an absolute career low

If you at the most successful films with Will Smith think, which ones do you think of? Independence Day of course. Men in Black, The Pursuit of Happyness, Bad Boys, all his iconic roles, of course. Actually coming none of them even close of a blockbuster that’s on TV today.

2019’s Aladdin is the superstar’s highest-grossing film. In this article, we explain how the Disney remake revitalized Will Smith’s career and a long streak of bad luck ended.

Watch the German trailer for Aladdin Will Smith:

Aladdin – Trailer (German) HD

On TV today: Aladdin is Will Smith’s most successful film – by far

Aladdin is part of a Disney series. The group has published some of its most famous cartoon successes for years as live-action remakes new on. These include The Lion King, Alice in Wonderland, The Jungle Book and Aladdin by director Guy Ritchie.

Will Smith was cast as the biggest star. He plays the blue genie in a bottle, originally voiced by the late Robin Williams. So Smith is not the nominal main character, but he grabs the film himself. Much to the frustration of the actual main actor, Mena Massoud, who, despite the success, hardly got any role offers.

With the energy of Will Smith, Aladdin became a box office magnet that probably surprised even Disney: Despite moderate reviews, it grossed $1.051 billionaccording to Box Office Mojo.

With that, Aladdin more or less out of nowhere surpasses all blockbusters forever associated with the Will Smith name (all numbers via Box Office Mojo). At least $180 million separates Aladdin from everyone else:

  • Independence Day: $817.4 million
  • Men in Black: $589.4 million
  • Hancock: $629.4 million
  • I am Legend:$585.4 million
  • Men in Black 3: 624 million million dollars
  • bad boy 3: $426.5 million
  • Aladdin is not only Will Smith’s highest-grossing film, it’s also the first to break the magic billion dollar mark. Two years ago, that meant great satisfaction for the star.

    After dark Will Smith years and many failures, Aladdin suddenly came along

    Smith was considered the king of Hollywood from the late ’90s through the late 2010s. He earned this title with an incredible winning streak: Every film with his face on the poster attracted millions of viewers worldwide. This phase gradually crumbled until Will Smith’s golden touch was reversed in 2013 at the latest.

    After Earth hit theaters in 2013, one of the star’s most personal works, with whom he hoped to create an entire sci-fi universe, son Jaden Smith in tow. After Earth was a colossal flop, failing at both the box office and audiences. This expensive setback was followed by neglected and all the more painful failures like Focus, Hidden Beauty and Harrowing Truth, all of which were based on the Smith factor put. But he no longer wanted to grab it.

    One of the best Aladdin scenes in the video

    Aladdin – Clip In Your World (German) HD

    Smith could no longer gild Blockbuster either. In Suicide Squad he played Deadshot. After all, the DC film grossed 746 million US dollars, but could not live up to the high expectations. The same goes for the Netflix blockbuster Bright, his only film of 2017. In the year In 2018 Smith stayed away from the cinema completelyapparently took a break to think – and then returned brilliantly with Aladdin.

    Why Aladdin?

    To classify the success of Aladdin: Of course it is the product of another time. the Movie ticket prices have steadily increased since Will Smith’s prime. If Men in Black were released today, it would probably be the star’s highest-grossing film, as would Independence Day. So Aladdin came to the cinema at the right time. Also to give Will Smith’s career new impetus.

    Aladdin airs today at 8:15 p.m. on Sat. 1.

    *. . .

    What do you think of Will Smith in Aladdin?
