Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars

Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars

Chris Rock, who was on stage for the award presentation, was physically attacked by Will Smith for making an unwarranted joke.

The Oscar Awards, which ended in the past minutes, came to the fore with another television event that will be remembered for a long time, in addition to the awards distributed. Will Smith, who also won the Best Actor award for the movie King Richards, slapped Chris Rock on stage for a joke he made. Even though the people in the hall thought it was a joke at first, everyone was shocked when the truth came out.

Will Smith slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars

Chris Rock, who took the stage to present a category at the awards ceremony, made a bad joke about the famous actress Jada Pinkett Smith, the wife of Will Smith. Chris Rock, who made a joke over the actor’s haircut, was later attacked on stage by Will Smith. Chrs Rock compared Jada’s hair to that of Demi Moore’s Jordon O’Neill character in Ridley Scott’s GI Jane, and made a reference to GI Jane 2.

After this joke, when the cameras turned to Jada Pinkett Smith, how the actor’s face actually fell was reflected on the screens. Because the famous actor stated that his hair was falling due to the problems he had in his private life with Will Smith a while ago, and therefore he had to shave his head. In fact, it is known that the famous actor suffered from a disease known as Ringworm in our country and called Alopecia Areata in medicine. So we have to point out that Chris Rock’s joke is out of place and also a bad joke.

Will Smith, who took the stage after this joke, slapped Chris Rock that will not be forgotten for a long time. Even though the broadcaster stopped his voice after the establishment, it was understood what Will Smith said because of his lip movements and because this moment was broadcast aloud in countries such as Japan and Australia. “Don’t mention my wife’s name,” shouted Will Smith, repeating after Chris Rock said, “It was a GIJane joke,” and once again, “Don’t mention my wife’s name.”

Despite the slap he received, Chris Rock, who said “and I won’t take it”, continued his presentation by saying, “This was one of the best moments in TV history” after a short shock. In the meantime, it was reflected on the screens that names such as Danzel Washington were trying to calm Will Smith. Shortly after this incident, Will Smith, who embraced the Best Actor Award with the King Richards movie, apologized to the Academy, but neither side has yet apologized to each other.
