Will Ouattara appoint a vice president during his address to Congress?

Will Ouattara appoint a vice president during his address to

Alassane Ouattara brings together the elected representatives of the two chambers of Parliament in Congress on Tuesday. His state of the nation address will focus on governance and the fight against corruption, but he could also appoint a vice president in the process. The post has remained vacant since the resignation of Daniel Kablan Duncan on July 8, 2020, the day Prime Minister Amadon Gon Coulibaly died.

With our Abidjan correspondent, Francois Hume-Ferkatadji

Will Alassane Ouattara appoint Patrick Achi, the former prime minister as vice president?

Since the resignation of Daniel Kablan Duncan on July 8, 2020 – the day Prime Minister Amadon Gon Coulibaly died – the position has remained vacant. However, according to the Constitution, the vice-president is the second character of the State. The President can delegate certain powers to him, he represents the Head of State when the latter is outside the national territory, and he becomes de facto President of the Republic in the event of the death, resignation or absolute impediment of the President.

The last time Alassane Ouattara spoke to Congress was in March 2020, he announced at the time that he did not want to run for a third term, and he also presented his draft constitutional revision.

This modification concerned in particular the post of vice-president. He will no longer be elected at the same time as the president in the form of a “ticket”, as in the United States, but will be appointed by the president, “ in agreement with the 99 senators, and the 255 deputies. What is the exact procedure? “ The Constitution remains vague on this subject. “, specifies the jurist Geoffroy-Julien Kouao. Is it a vote by qualified majority, absolute majority, by acclamation?

No one is able to say at this stage. In any case, this choice of ballot tomorrow – if however a vice-president is actually appointed – will set a precedent and could become a new political custom in Côte d’Ivoire.
