Will Jean-Luc Mélenchon be able to capitalize on his score?

As in 2017, the radical left candidate narrowly failed to qualify for the second round of the presidential election. Like five years ago, he crushed his left-wing competitors. The same question arises for him: how to make his movement truly unavoidable?

After disappointment, hope. Since Sunday evening, in all the mouths of the lieutenants of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the same sentence returns: “ We are the third political force in the country and we will have to count on us for the future “. The deputy Adrien Quatennens even begins to dream of triumphant legislative elections forcing the winner of the presidential election to cohabit.

It is still necessary to transform the test, and that could prove to be delicate. The 22% obtained by the candidate of the Popular Union during the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, is far from being entirely a choice of conviction of the voters. A certain number chose to vote helpful. Not sure therefore to keep this electorate during the upcoming legislative elections.

The ability of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to reach out to other left formations will be closely scrutinized. He had not done so in 2017, aiming for hegemony. Bet failed, which probably cost him the votes needed to reach the second round. Will the strategy be different this time around? The Insoumis has already multiplied the calls of the foot in the direction of environmentalists and communists. On the other hand, there is no question of discussing with his former family, socialists.

► To read also: French Presidential: Mélenchon, an unexpected but insufficient rise

