will France avoid overproduction? – The Express

will France avoid overproduction – The Express

With its 1,600 megawatts of electricity (MWe), the Flamanville EPR – finally connected to the network after seventeen years of difficulty – carries the promise of abundant electricity. But by investing in energy, will France one day come close to overdose? “Ultimately, the risk of overproduction is real,” warns Senator Ronan Dantec. The fault is an energy policy that is too vague. “The removal of the objective of a 50% reduction in the share of nuclear power in the French energy mix has relaunched the war between the supporters of the atom and the defenders of renewable energies. However, each camp has the power to important influence.

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At the same time, the crisis budget calls into question the main subsidies allowing the electrification of the country. “This slowdown is totally contradictory with the increase in means of production. The system is no longer controlled,” worries the environmentalist senator.

At European level, episodes of overproduction are already becoming more frequent. “The Spaniards, the Irish and the Danes are gaining strength and Germany will not always be able to absorb the surplus,” warns Ronan Dantec. The solution? Invest more in electricity storage technologies and above all clarify our national policy. What share for nuclear power, what share for solar and wind power? We will have to decide. Including on issues involving our partners: France cannot both slow down on interconnection with Spain and want to export as much electricity as possible. In the current European context, this position will quickly become untenable.
