Will cause problems in the Correctional Service

Will cause problems in the Correctional Service



full screen Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) is now commenting on the acute shortage of places within the Correctional Service. Photo: Samuel Steén/TT

The acute shortage of places in prisons and detention centers meant that the Correctional Service went into national staff mode today.

– That more criminals end up behind bars has consequences, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) comments on the situation.

The shortage of places within the Correctional Service has worsened in the past year and is, among other things, a consequence of the government’s tougher approach to criminals. This is what Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson says at a press conference on Tuesday.

– We are making a paradigm shift right now and the fact that more people end up behind bars is intentional, he says.

Director General of the Correctional Service Martin Holmgren decided on Tuesday that a national incident management staff should be established. The staff must “work with space utilization and urgent space creation”

– I respect that this will cause problems for a while while we increase capacity. But it cannot be avoided now that we take crime more seriously, says Kristersson.
