A lunar eclipse, nicknamed “full moon of blood”, awaits us this month of March. Discover what is behind this spectacular celestial event.
This month of March, curious and astronomy lovers will be able to attend a fascinating celestial spectacle: a moon eclipse. Nicknamed “full moon of blood”, this phenomenon, which will have nothing supernatural, will be explained by the position of our natural satellite compared to the earth and the sun. But then, should we expect the night star to be adorned with a copper color? Head on this event not to be missed!
Total moon eclipses occur when the earth, the sun and the moon align perfectly, allowing the shadow of the earth to project itself on our night star, plunging it into darkness. This configuration does not occur at each full moon, since it requires a very precise positioning of the stars. It therefore only occurs two to five times a year. We can then admire the moon to be nibbled by the shadow of the earth and display a reddish shade. The latter is due to the atmosphere of our planet which filters the sun’s rays and lets only the wavelengths corresponding to the red and orange colors pass. Nothing magic in this phenomenon which remains very spectacular to observe!
On March 14, the eclipse will start at 4:57 am when the moon will enter the darkness. It will still be visible but less and less bright. Around 6:09 am the star will be completely darkened and we can start to see its left edge getting snacking by the shadow of the earth. A copper notch will then appear, it is the beginning of the eclipse itself. Unfortunately, from France, it will be impossible to attend the total moon eclipse because the latter will disappear behind the horizon quickly after the start of the show. The inhabitants of Brittany and Normandy, located west of the country, will however be able to admire the start of the eclipse longer than the others, thanks to their geographical position which delays the sunset.
To take advantage of this event, you will need no particular equipment. Looking at the moon to the naked eye during an eclipse presents no danger for the eyes, take advantage of it! On the other hand, if you want to observe the show from the start, it is advisable to settle on a deckchair to avoid neck pain and provide hot drinks and plaids. Also make sure to have a clear horizon and see a cloudless sky to make the most of the phenomenon.