Wilhelm Helander suffered from a brain tumor: “Very difficult”

Wilhelm Helander was 13 years old when he suffered a serious brain tumor.
Then he went from being a healthy kid who played tennis to having to learn to walk and eat again.
– It has been a struggle, says Wilhelm in Nyhetsmorgon.

When Wilhelm was 13, his life took an unexpected turn.

During a holiday in Spain last year, the tennis-playing guy started seeing a little blurry.

– But I felt completely healthy, he says News morning.

The family went straight to the hospital for a check-up and from one second to another life was turned upside down.

– From having had a healthy child and being spared, it is thrown over in a second from the doctor saying it is something very serious, says Wilhelm’s mother Frida Helander.

Had to learn to walk

Wilhelm was suffering from a brain tumor and would have to be operated on.

– I had a total panic. It is the worst kind of fear for a parent, says mother Frida.

The operation went well, but Wilhelm’s balance deteriorated significantly. That meant he had to learn to walk again.

– It was a very difficult adjustment and no one says they know it will be good, says Frida.

“Just wanted to survive”

Next week, the soon-to-be 15-year-old Wilhelm will receive his last top-up dose of chemotherapy. But the road there has not been easy and he has been forced to be strong.

– I didn’t have a choice, I just wanted to survive, says Wilhelm.

Now he is looking forward to playing tennis and being able to eat properly again.

– I have had no appetite and I love food. So I really want to be able to eat again and not have to throw up every morning.

Yesterday 11:20
