Wiktor Nilsson in goal form when Djurgården won

Djurgården took the lead after 12.27, through Ludvig Rensfeldt assisted by Kevin Karlsson and Albin Grewe. Djurgården extended the lead through Wiktor Nilsson after 14.48 in the second period and took a real hold on the match.

However, Björklöven reduced it to 2-1 through Nicolai Meyer with 4.33 left to play in the period. Djurgården also won the third period 3-2 and the match ended 5-3.

Björklöven’s Maxime Fortier accounted for three points, of which two goals. John Norman scored a goal and also played up to two goals for Djurgården.

When the teams last met, Djurgården won 6-4.

In the next match, Djurgården meets Västervik away and Björklöven meets AIK away. Both matches will be played on Wednesday 27 September 19.00.
