Wife, children, height and the EU election in 2024

Wife children height and the EU election in 2024

Jonas Sjöstedt’s age – how old is he?

Jonas Sjöstedt was born on December 25, 1964, which means that he will turn 70 in the winter of 2024.

Jonas Sjöstedt height – how tall is he?

Many are curious about Jonas Sjöstedt’s height. News24 has previously written about exactly that, then before the 2018 election, and can announce that he is 186 centimeters tall.

Jonas Sjöstedt’s education – does he have a degree?

According to his biography, Jonas Sjöstedt has Parliamentno post-secondary education.

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When was Jonas Sjöstedt party leader of the Left Party?

Jonas Sjöstedt took office as party leader of the Left Party on January 6, 2012. He then succeeded Lars Ohly.

Lars Ohly was party leader of the Left Party before Jonas Sjöstedt took over. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

On October 31, 2020, he left the party leader position.

– Eight years might be enough. It is a good time to hand over to someone else when things are going well for the Left Party, he said in January of that year, in connection with announcing his upcoming resignation, according to The evening paper.

After Sjöstedt resigned, Nooshi Dadgostar new party chairman for the Left Party.

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Has Jonas Sjöstedt sat in the EU Parliament?

Yes, in 1995 Jonas Sjöstedt was elected to the EU Parliament as one of three leftists. Sjöstedt sat as a member until 2006. During those years, according to his profile page, he was with EUincluding member of the committee for the environment, public health and food safety and in the delegation to the joint ACP-EU parliamentary assembly.

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Is Jonas Sjöstedt standing in the EU elections in 2024?

In the EU election 2024, Jonas Sjöstedt is the top name of the Left Party.

– I want to work with the climate issue in the environment committee. I want to work for more transparency and less corruption in the committee for budget control and I want to work for sustainable support for Ukraine, he has said in an interview with his own the party.

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Does Jonas Sjöstedt have a wife?

Yes, Jonas Sjöstedt is married to Ann Måwe.

Ann Måwe and Jonas Sjöstedt. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TTV Who is Jonas Sjöstedt’s wife Ann Måwe?

Ann Måwe is a diplomat and in March 2024 was appointed director and head of the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa in Amman, Jordan. She takes up the position in the autumn of the same year.

Since 2019, Måwe has been Sweden’s ambassador in Hanoi, Vietnam and previously she has, according to a press release from the governmentserved in Jerusalem, Israel, and New York, USA.

– We have had a deal, me and Ann, over the years. We share who covers for the other. She has stood back for several years when I have been party leader. Although she has had a demanding job and worked hard. It is clear that it is my turn to take the parent-teacher conferences and make sure things work. I think that goes without saying, and I have nothing against that at all, Sjöstedt said in the podcast “Värvet” in 2020, which among other The Express reported on then.

Does Jonas Sjöstedt have children?

According to The left party Jonas Sjöstedt has three children and one grandchild.

Did Jonas Sjöstedt move to Vietnam?

Yes, after resigning as party leader of the Left Party, Jonas Sjöstedt moved to Hanoi in Vietnam, where his family had been living for a few months due to his wife Ann Måwe’s ambassadorial job.

Does Jonas Sjöstedt have Instagram?

Yes, on Instagram his name is Jonas Sjöstedt @sjostedt35.
