Widespread technical problems reported worldwide | News in brief

For example, Sydney and Berlin airports have been reported to have technical problems. In the United States, the problems extend beyond airlines to hospitals.

In the United States, several companies are suffering from technical problems, which are under the influence of, for example, hospitals and, for example, the airlines Delta and American Airlines, the news agencies Reuters and AFP report.

Several Australian companies are also struggling with communication problems.

– According to current information, the outage is related to a technical problem in the third-party software platform used by the companies, said Australia’s National Cyber ​​Security Office in a statement, according to the AFP news agency.

Sydney Airport is reporting flight delays due to a technical fault.

So far, there is no information whether the problems that occurred in different countries are related to each other.

Microsoft has said it is taking action due to service issues that have occurred in the Windows operating system.
