Why you can save yourself the credits

Why you can save yourself the credits

A DC highlight, The Flash is packed with surprising cameos right to the end. As usual, the superhero blockbuster also comes up with an additional scene in the credits for those who remain seated. We’ll explain them to you Post credit scene from The Flashwhich turned out to be very unspectacular.

This happens in the superfluous credits scene from The Flash

The DC film’s post-credits scene features Barry (Ezra Miller) and Arthur Curry aka Aquaman (Jason Momoa) as they stumbling out of a bar together. While Arthur is already very drunk, Barry explains to him the multiverse and the different versions of heroes he has encountered.

Arthur asks if there are other versions of him. Barry assures him that he’s the same guy in every parallel world.

Then Aquaman stumbles into a puddle and demands that Barry get more beer. As payment he gives him his ring from Atlantis. Barry starts running and the end credits scene of The Flash is over. More than one humorous reminder that Aquaman 2 is still comingis not shown here.

So it goes after The Flash with DC

After The Flash, two more DC films will be released in cinemas in 2023. At the August 17th comes Blue Beetle, who is something like DC’s Spider-Man. At the 21st December then starts Aquaman: Lost Kingdom with Jason Momoa.

Then the DC Universe gets one complete reboot by James Gunn and Peter Safran. These include a new Superman film without Henry Cavill that Gunn is writing and directing personally.

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