Why were Alain Delon’s weapons seized by the police?

Why were Alain Delons weapons seized by the police

Dozens of firearms were seized by the gendarmes in Alain Delon’s property in Douchy, following a court decision. Explanations.

At the end of last week, dozens of firearms were confiscated by the gendarmes in the home of Alain Delon, in Douchy. The Parisian tells us that this intervention is directly linked to a court decision, which requested that the shooting weapons and collector’s weapons of the 88-year-old actor, who indeed had the right to have them, were seized.

The reason ? The complex context in which the family finds itselfAlain Delon since the beginning of the year. While his children are torn apart and his state of health is worrying, justice has decided not to take any risks, specifies the national daily this Tuesday, February 27.

Alain Delon’s state of health worries

Alain Delon was placed under judicial protection on January 29. Although he can still carry out several daily acts, the most important ones have been entrusted to one of his agents. Because his state of health remains worrying for those close to him, the actor having stopped his treatments since August 2023 at the request of his films, Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon. The first criticized his sister, Anouchka Delon, at the start of the year for not having informed him of their father’s “cognitive deterioration”.

In the columns of Le Parisien, the investigations highlighted the conclusion of a general practitioner who had examined Alain Delon during last summer. The latter noted that the actor’s morale “was low”, highlighting “a state of physical and psychological exhaustion with a major suicidal risk”.

An accident with Alain Delon’s gun in 2011

Alain Delon’s firearms were already in the media spotlight in 2011. While his youngest child, Alain-Fabien Delon, then aged 17, was organizing a party in his father’s apartment in Geneva, a Spanish teenager was seriously injured by gunfire. The shooting was later ruled accidental. The actor was absent.
