Why weight gain in Ramadan?

Why weight gain in Ramadan

In this worship, where food should not be taken in the average 15-16 hours between sahur and iftar, one of the most common mistakes is to eat one meal. Eating a single meal means low blood sugar that continues throughout the day, starting a few hours after the meal. Therefore, eating faster, more, and foods containing simple carbohydrates in the first meal after a long starvation may cause weight gain. On the other hand, the metabolic rate slows down in long-term fasting, and in this case, it may become possible to gain weight.


In general, staying inactive due to low energy during the fasting period can also be among the other reasons for weight gain. Since the decrease in physical activity during the day while fasting negatively affects the body’s energy expenditure, weight gain will be inevitable even if the food intake is at the same level.

Various iftar invitations, which have become traditional in our society, and the sherbet desserts consumed after iftar are among the factors that cause weight gain.


First of all, sahur should not be neglected and a healthy sahur should be made. At sahur, a meal containing enough protein and plenty of fiber should be made that will help you stay full for a long time. For example; One or more of the high-quality protein sources such as eggs, cheese, yogurt, milk and kefir should definitely be included in your sahur menu. Cereals, vegetables and fruits such as oatmeal, which contains plenty of fiber and healthy nutrients, should also be included in your sahur menu.


In iftar, you can start with light iftar meals. E.g; raw nuts such as cheese, olives, dried tomatoes, walnuts, dried fruits such as dried apricots and dates. Afterwards, a nutritious soup should be consumed and a break should be taken for a while. Main and side dishes should be very light and not too salty, spicy and oily. A salad that contains mostly green vegetables and the protein sources necessary to meet the daily needs should definitely be in the iftar menu.

There should be at least one snack after iftar. A snack can be made with fruits containing antioxidants that will support immunity and oil seeds containing healthy fats. A light milky or fruity dessert can be preferred 1-2 days a week. After iftar, herbal teas can be drunk to help the digestive system relax.

Last but not least, the daily water need should be met by drinking it at the right time and in the right amount.


While performing fasting, it should be interrupted in cases that may adversely affect health, or individuals whose health condition is not favorable should not insist on fasting. While fasting is exempt for people with acute or chronic illnesses, some individuals may still wish to fast. In this case, it is necessary to act in accordance with the recommendations of physicians and dietitians who carry out health follow-ups.

Among those who are at risk of fasting, diabetes patients, individuals experiencing hypoglycemia episodes, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers come first.

