Why the vaccine pass of 4.5 million people will no longer be valid this Tuesday

Why the vaccine pass of 45 million people will no

Latecomers to vaccination will suffer the consequences from Tuesday. Indeed, the rules for the validity of the vaccination pass, a new form of the health pass, are changing and four to five million French people will no longer be able to access places whose entry is conditioned by the precious QR code.

If, until now, people who received a second dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 less than seven months ago or who were infected with the virus less than six months ago could still benefit from the vaccine pass, the deadline is reduced from this Tuesday. From now on, you must have been contaminated after two doses or have received your booster dose in the last four months to benefit from it.

Change of rules

In detail, people will have to take their booster dose “no later than four months” after the second injection, “no later than four months” after the only injection for those who have had Covid then a dose of vaccine, and “No later than four months” after infection for those who had a dose and then the disease, specifies the Ministry of Health.

People who have caught the disease when they have already had two injections or an injection and an infection are exempt from the booster dose, under the principle “one infection = one injection” stated by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran .

Minors not concerned

According to the calculations of the ministry, 4.5 million French people are concerned. In detail, if more than 37 million French people, out of the total of those vaccinated, have a complete vaccination schedule, around 9 million have received a first dose but have not done their booster. Of these 9 million, the ministry estimates that half of them were infected less than four months ago.

The latter will then be able to benefit from the pass, but the other half will not be able to go to the restaurant, the cinema or even take the train. Even if they are vaccinated quickly, latecomers will have to wait a week after the injection for the vaccination pass to be valid again.

This rule only applies to adult residents of the territory. People between the ages of 16 and 17 are not subject to the booster dose rule to keep their vaccination pass. As for the youngest, they still benefit from the old version, the health pass, for which a negative antigen test or a negative PCR test is sufficient.
