Why the oppositions are boycotting the National Council for Refoundation wanted by Emmanuel Macron

overtaken by the climate issue the executive seeks to green

French President Emmanuel Macron inaugurates this Thursday a new “ policy revitalization tool “, according to the executive. Around him, about fifty representatives of civil society, the main associations of local elected officials and a few unions will discuss the major projects to come: school, health, full employment, aging well and ecological transition. But the opposition parties and the president of the Senate denounce an attempt to dodge the legislative power.

The main associations of local elected officials will finally be there in Marcoussis, this Thursday, September 8, after having forced the president to lose verticality and meet with them twice a year.


But for all the political parties, from the extreme right to the Insoumis, no question of participating in this initiative which they believe bypasses Parliament. ” If Mr. Macron was deprived of a majority in the Assembly, it is not by chance, underlines Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group in the Assembly. It’s not to upset him. It’s just to send him this message: “Ok, we got you re-elected, but now you’re gonna listen. You will listen to the deputies that we send to the National Assembly“So today, the place for dialogue must first be the National Assembly. The President of the Republic must respect the institutions. He must not invent stuff. »

The National Refoundation Council (CNR)it is ” a new way of debating », « not a new institution “, justified Emmanuel Macron. From the cinema, retorts the communist deputy Nicolas Sansu. ” When we already see the agenda which is, basically, to pass the pension reform. When we see the upcoming unemployment insurance bills that will hurt millions of our fellow citizens. It is not acceptable to say that it is under these conditions that we will serve the soup to Mr. Macron. It is not possible “, he is indignant.

The two previous ones, the Great Debate after the “yellow vests” crisis in 2019 and the Citizen’s Climate Convention in 2020, were disappointing. The majority of their conclusions having gone by the wayside.

Do not serve as young surety »

The French Youth Forum, which brings together the main youth organizations, will be in Marcoussis, in Essonne, this Thursday, September 8 to participate. ” Young people have their say on many subjects and not only on youth subjectspoints out William Petipas, his co-host. For example, on the ecological transition, we think we have things to say. On education as a whole and not only on the school. We also think that young people should be associated with policies that work on employment, on the fight against precariousness, the fight against discrimination and violence linked to inequalities, particularly social ones. So we want to be able to bring these subjects to the discussions that will take place this Thursday. On the other hand, we don’t want it to be a way of being a young guarantor that brings validation to all government policy. We expect there to be commitments behind. So we remain cautious. »
