why the next season won’t air until 2023

why the next season wont air until 2023

KOH LANTA 2023. After the joint victory of Bastien and François, Koh Lanta will take a break and will not return to TF1 until 2023. Here is why.

[Mis à jour le 27 juin 2022 à 9h50] In an interview for Puremédias last April, Xavier Gandon, director of TF1 antennas, spoke about the future of Koh Lanta. So in full broadcast of the season “Koh Lanta, the Cursed Totem”, the channel was already not planning a second season of Koh Lanta at the end of the year. Gandon indeed explained that there “is no current filming of a new season”, which means in fact that there “will therefore be no second season of Koh-Lanta at the start of the school year” . For several years, TF1 had accustomed viewers to following two different seasons of Koh Lanta in one year, often with an “all-stars” season at the end of the year. In 2022, after Le Totem Maudit, Koh Lanta will take a break. Xavier Gandon explains this choice, referring in particular to the fact that Tuesday evening could possibly see a return to the American series. “We saw with ‘Une famille en or’, that the sequence of flow programs after ‘Koh-Lanta’ worked well. That said, the Tuesday evening slot is not necessarily intended to remain a slot of stream. It will depend on the offer of American series. We will be pragmatic.”

Questioned by Linternaute on this subject at the end of June (our interview can be read here), the producer of Koh Lanta Alexia Laroche-Joubert is rather satisfied with this choice of a break for the survival show which celebrated its twentieth year in 2021. “I also find it very good that we are not going straight away with another Koh Lanta. Where we have chained in ten weeks, an extremely short time, the last two seasons. I find it very good that we wait a bit there.” Perhaps the opportunity to develop the game that candidates and viewers know by heart?

The 2022 season of Koh Lanta ended on Tuesday June 21 after four months of broadcasting. The jury returned an unexpected verdict, placing Bastien and François tied with four votes each, while Géraldine, winner on the posts, obtained only three votes. For the first time, it was a final between 4 candidates on the posts and, for the first time again, 3 candidates facing the final jury. Equally, Bastien and François shared the sum awarded to the winner and each won €50,000. Note that such a tie in the final has already taken place twice in the history of Koh Lanta. The first in 2003 between Delphine and Isabelle. The second between Jade and Kevin in 2007. It had therefore been fifteen years since a tie in the Koh Lanta final had not taken place.

Program sheet

Koh-Lanta is an adventure game broadcast since 2001 on TF1. It was presented by Hubert Auriol for the first season. Since 2002, it is Denis Brogniart who is in charge of the animation of the program. Several adventurers try to survive on a deserted island until the finale. In this entertainment of survival and strategy, several tests punctuate each episode, and a candidate is eliminated by the other participants, until there are only five left. The latter then decide on two emblematic tests: the orientation and the posts, before the final vote. Since its inception, the game has seen many rule changes.

It was in the Philippines that the candidates left during Koh-Lanta, the cursed totem. They were 24 to participate in 2022, 12 men and 12 women. Below, find our recap of the adventure, candidate by candidate.

The final of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem was broadcast on Tuesday June 21, 2022 on TF1. It opposed Bastien, Jean-Charles, Géraldine and François all qualified in the final during the orientation test. After four months of broadcast, the 2022 season of Koh Lanta has delivered its verdict. Bastien and François were crowned equal winners of the show in the final.

It was on the evening of June 21, 2022 that TF1 broadcast the grand finale of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem. After 39 days of survival in the Philippines, it was Bastien and François who were chosen by the final jury as the big winners of the season. The two candidates supplanted Géraldine with 4 votes each against 3.

Koh-Lanta is a TF1 program broadcast twice each year on the first channel: a first season is broadcast in the spring, a second at the end of the summer. Each episode is available on television but also live on the MyTF1 site via tablet, computer or smartphone. The show is available for replay the next day on the MyTF1 website and this for a period of 7 days. Note that the replays are posted on the Salto platform for an indefinite period, which allows the most avid fans to see or re-watch the entire season.
