why she leaves the RN to Bardella, in force in the Assembly

why she leaves the RN to Bardella in force in

THE PEN. Easily qualified in Pas-de-Calais, Marine Le Pen is determined to make her parliamentary group an essential opposition force after the historic breakthrough of the RN party.

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[Mis à jour le 20 juin 2022 à 15h18] “The new faces you are about to discover, faces beaming with enthusiasm and life, are the vanguard of this new political elite who will take responsibility for the country when the Macron adventure comes to an end.” A long quote signed Marine Le Pen, pronounced during the speech in front of his supporters at the announcement of the results, last night. And what results! These legislative elections make his party an essential opposition force: with 89 deputies sent to the National Assembly, the RN achieves a historic breakthrough. Marine Le Pen is now at the head of a parliamentary group ten times more powerful than in 2017 (it then had only 8 deputies). And the good news does not stop there for the far-right leader: she was personally re-elected in her stronghold of the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, that of her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, leaving only 38% of the votes to his opponent, the candidate Nupes Marine Tondelier.

From this Monday morning, Marine Le Pen set the tone. “We are the first opposition group. We will of course ask for the chairmanship of the Finance Committee, a vice-president of the Assembly… We will not compromise on anything!”, She assured. Because if the Nupes comes in second position behind Together, this group is a coalition of different political parties, from LFI to the PS via EELV and the PC. Marine Le Pen therefore sees the RN as the first opposition force, a group that she intends to lead to the Assembly by leaving the presidency of the party to Jordan Bardella, as she had done to prepare for the last presidential election. If the choice may seem surprising, even in the eyes of certain party executives like Louis Aliot, it also responds to the evolution of French political life and the upheaval of the balance born of these legislative elections. However, if she wishes to lead her troops in a credible manner, Marine Le Pen will have to establish herself as an active deputy, which has not been the case during the past five years spent relatively far from the hemicycle. According to the collective Regards citoyen cited by The world, Marine Le Pen had intervened 137 times in committee, compared to an average of 833 times for an LFI deputy. As for the elected representatives of the RN, they were on average twice as absentee in committee as an LREM deputy.

Marine Le Pen, future president of the RN group at the National Assembly

“I will not take over the head of the RN. I will concentrate on the presidency of this very large group”, revealed Marine Le Pen Monday morning June 20 when commenting on the legislative election results. The former presidential candidate will therefore leave the reins of the National Rally to Jordan Bardella but will be, with this imposing RN group, in full light in the National Assembly, even more than Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the last five-year term. The head of LFI had thus succeeded over the months in embodying the main opposition in the National Assembly, gaining a certain legitimacy and an increased presence in the media. Marine Le Pen therefore intends to direct her troops and the 88 other RN deputies directly. “I will say that I expect total mobilization from them. Voters’ confidence obliges us. I will call them to excellence,” she added Monday morning.

What is the result of Marine Le Pen in the legislative elections?

In the wake of her defeat in the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron on April 24, Marine Le Pen quickly turned to the deadline for the legislative elections, announcing her candidacy in the 11th constituency of Pas-de- Calais, where she was comfortably elected in 2017. In this territory which includes the stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen took a clear lead in the first round, winning more than 54% of the vote but nevertheless failing to be elected even before the second round due to massive abstention. In the second round on June 19, she clearly beat the candidate Nupes Marine Tondelier, winning with 61.03% of the vote according to the final and official figures transmitted by the Ministry of the Interior, against 38.97% for Marine Tondelier. .

What was Marine Le Pen’s program for the legislative elections?

Marine Le Pen has held in recent weeks the same line as that defended during the presidential campaign. The proposals and subjects that she and the other candidates of the RN intend to bring to the National Assembly are modeled on the presidential program of the far right. And, as during the presidential campaign, one of the subjects that came up most often a few days before the vote in the legislative elections was purchasing power, at the heart of the news as inflation climbed by five points, for which Marine Le Pen defends a reduction or even an abolition of VAT and shoots the temporary aid and the energy or food checks put in place by the Head of State. A law for the purchasing power must precisely be voted at the end of June at the end of the legislative according to the announcements of the government. Retirement is also a point of friction between the LREM group and allies and that of the RN because if the first defends the reform of the pension and the postponement of the age to 64 or 65 years, the second militates for a progressive system allowing the retirement between 60 and 62 for long careers and later depending on the age of entry into working life.
