Why must be saved the soldier Zelensky – L’Express

Why must be saved the soldier Zelensky LExpress

That it seems far away when the American Congress gave Volodymyr Zelensky of a standing ovation. At the end of December 2022, the man with a khaki sweater was spawning a passage to the gallery under the Vivats, before promising never to surrender. Two years and two months later, the one that America celebrated in heroes is treated as a less than nothing by the President of the United States. The whole world was stunned by the exchange of incredible violence that saw Donald Trump humiliate him in the oval office on February 28, accusing him of “playing with the third world war”. Three days later, the billionaire froze all military aid to Ukraine to force Zelensky to apologize and accept a cease-fire with Russia.

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In a terrifying reversal, Washington and Moscow now designate the leader of a country victim of the Russian invasion as the man to be killed. “If someone does not want to conclude an agreement, I think that person will not be very long in the area,” threatened Donald Trump, after Volodymyr Zelensky had estimated that the end of the war was still “very very distant”. In unison, his lieutenants hammer that the Ukrainian leader should be dismissed if he continues to be, in their eyes, an obstacle to peace. Benit bread for Vladimir Putin, who wants to exclude Zelensky from possible negotiations, in the name of his “illegitimacy”.

Europe must find financial resources

Fortunately, European leaders have mostly expressed their support for the one who embodies Ukrainian resistance. Democratically elected president, it is of course it to defend the interests of his country-which implies refusing a cease-fire without security guarantees. It would be irresponsible to organize elections in the middle of war, under the Russian bombs and while millions of Ukrainians have left their country or live in the occupied zone. Not to mention that the Russians would take the opportunity to divide society, sow chaos and try to manipulate the ballot.

Read also: Artem Chapery, writer and soldier: “Trump and Putin treat Ukraine as a colony”

While American hostility against him is likely to intensify, SAVE SAVE SOLIER ZELENSKY. Can Trump force him to peace? “As long as Europeans continue to support Ukraine, he will be able to resist him,” said historian Sergey Radchenko. The Ukrainian President is right: his country can still hold, faced with an opponent who has little progressed on the ground in three years. Provided that Europe finds financial resources to switch to war economics as quickly as it reacted to the COVVI-19 epidemic. And replace Americans in sending military equipment to kyiv.
