Actually, there is a subscription requirement in Final Fantasy XIV. Players have to pay an amount of money monthly in order to be able to log into the game. Since MeinMMO editor Jasmin didn’t have enough time, she skipped the payments in the past few months. But a free action now brings them back into play.
I joined Final Fantasy XIV very late. When I started the game, the Endwalker expansion was just announced. A friend encouraged me to simply test the game, after all the first expansions are free. And I fell in love instantly.
I enjoyed the Endgame content for a few more weeks after the Endwalker credits rolled off the screen, but ended my subscription after a few weeks. Due to a career change, it was no longer worth investing a lot of time in the game.
Has that changed now? But Square Enix has just started a campaign to collect lost players like me – and it worked. If you meet the following conditions, you can collect up to 14 days for free:
Then you have the chance to log in for free. The promotion period falls from August 9th to 31st, 2023 during the Gamescom week, which even has its own role-playing game this year. But if you don’t visit the fair or only visit it for a few days, you can devote yourself intensively to the new content of Final Fantasy XIV.
Why is it worth re-entering? You can use the game time, among other things, to progress further in the story. Since the end of Endwalker, Square Enix has been releasing new updates that progress the story.
So you are well prepared for the upcoming Dawntrail expansion, which MeinMMO presents to you in a trailer:
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail – Trailer for the new expansion
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The Dawntrail expansion will be released in summer 2024. Before that, patch 6.5 will be available in October 2023, and patch 6.55 will follow in January 2024. The quests between the expansions often bridge the gap between the expansions and lead from the old content to the new adventures.
And the story in the patch quests after Endwalker packs a punch. I was immediately hooked by the content that awaited me after the final battle against the final boss. The troop ends up in another splinter world, this time overpowered by darkness.
In addition, the dragons are once again becoming the focus of the story. We experience the story around Azdaja and Vrtra and the consequences of the conquest of Meracydia.
If you don’t feel like the story and only want to concentrate on the endgame content, you can soon skip most of the story and catch up as a summary:
How do I find my way after re-entry? Final Fantasy XIV has many mechanics to make it as easy as possible for returners like me. If your active time has been a little longer, you can stick to the following things:
The community in Final Fantasy XIV is known to be very supportive. In no other MMORPG were players so patient if I didn’t understand something immediately. Instead of insults, I often got tips on how to defeat Boss XY. Black sheep were rather rare there.
So it’s no wonder that Final Fantasy XIV is not only one of my favorite MMORPGs for me, but also convinces our MMORPG specialist Alexander:
Is it worth it as a newbie? Even if you’ve gotten around Final Fantasy XIV so far, I can warmly recommend the title to you. As mentioned, you can skip the story for real money if you’re afraid of falling behind.
But otherwise no player is left behind alone. Thanks to the randomized content of the dailies, veterans are often thrown together with newbies and run the newbie dungeons with them.
This ensures that no dungeon remains empty, especially in low level areas, and players do not have to wait hours to find players who want to run the content with them.
With the quests there is also regular gear that has been adapted for the level. So you are well prepared at every level to plunge into the trials, dungeons and other content.
So that you don’t get overwhelmed by the new content, these five tips will help you to find your way back in the game: 5 tips for returnees in FF14 – How to get into Endwalker on time