Why is the varnish to be removed on the day of delivery?

Why is the varnish to be removed on the day

Nail polish, feet or hands, should be avoided on the day of delivery, as a precaution. Explanations with dermatologist Nina Roos.

Are you giving birth in the next few months or weeks and would you like to get a little makeover before going to the maternity ward? Forget the nail polish on the day of delivery, whether on the nails or on the feet! If it is possible to wear during pregnancy, favoring natural products, nail polish is not recommended for pregnant women about to give birth, especially in the labor room.

Why having nail polish during childbirth is not recommended?

On the day of delivery, you should not have your nails painted. The reason ? In the event of a possible surgical intervention, one needs to put oxygen sensors on the nails and the varnish can make the process less effective. Seeing the nails also makes it possible to monitor their coloring”, explains Nina Roos, dermatologist. It is therefore preferable, as a precautionary measure, not to varnish your fingernails or toenails before going to the work room.

If you have nail polish on when you leave for the maternity ward, don’t worry, perhaps consider removing it before leaving the house, if you have time, or bring a cotton and nail polish remover to slip into your maternity suitcase. If you are afraid of forgetting, then avoid applying nail polish in the two weeks preceding the due date of pregnancy. If necessary, the midwives may be able to provide you with nail polish remover before the baby arrives.

And the lipstick?

For the same reason, lipstick is not recommended in the labor room. since doctors could not observe your lip color properly when needed. That said, few women give birth with a bright red lipstick on the big day. Moreover, it is easier to remove lipstick than nail polish.
