Why is the planned oil drilling project in Alaska talking on social media? Three points about the Willow project

Why is the planned oil drilling project in Alaska talking

The Willow oil drilling project has attracted attention not only in the United States, but also in other parts of the world – especially on social media. Why? Reporter Sara Salmi raises three key points.

The oil and gas drilling project known as the Willow project in the United States is dividing opinion. The project has become a topic of conversation, especially on social media, and attention has not been limited to the United States alone.

The Willow project received the president last week Joe Biden approval. However, the construction of the oil fields may still be delayed if environmental activists sue the project, as is now expected.

Why is the Willow project talking right now? Watch the video for three points about the project.

You can discuss the topic until 23:00 on March 24, 2023.

You can find more short news videos by Antti Kurra and Sara Salme at Areena.
