Why is Ramadan a headache? What to do ?

Why is Ramadan a headache What to do

Ramadan fasting requires a period of adaptation after the sudden cessation of food. Some people may then experience headaches or even migraines. Advice.

Can you suffer from headaches from the first day of Ramadan?

Although the Ramadan that is a holy period, considered as a month of charity for the Muslim faithful, he asks for a sudden change in his lifestyle. Many practitioners then report suffering from headaches, even migraines, from the first days of fasting.. “The body must then relearn to function with its new rhythm.“, emphasizes Léa Lang, nutritionist.

Why do we get headaches during Ramadan?

“The first factor is the lack of hydrationwarns Léa Lang. The body can last longer without eating than without drinking. When we drink little water, this can create headaches and go as far as discomfort. “Suddenly stopping caffeine or theine because they are very good anti-migraine drugs, cigarettes, but also a excessive consumption of carbohydrates during breakfast or the last meal before sunrise can cause headaches.

What to do to continue your Ramadan?

Practitioners can reassure themselves: this feeling ends up disappearing with time and habit. But to avoid headaches, it is first important to bet on prevention by gradually reducing his consumption of coffee, tea and cigarettes before Ramadan to wean his body. But first of all it is necessary to drink a lot during the evening and avoid having a diet that is too high in fat and sugar. “Since you can’t drink during the day, it’s better to have a calmer rhythm, to get some fresh air regularly, avoid physical activity“, advises the nutritionist.

Thanks to Léa Lang, nutritionist.
