why is Natalie Portman not in the film?

why is Natalie Portman not in the film

THOR 3. Thor Ragnarok is the only solo Marvel film featuring the God of Thunder in which Natalie Portman does not appear. For what reasons ?


Thursday, August 31 at 9:10 p.m.

9/16 | Above 10 only

[Mis à jour le 31 août 2023 à 20h30] Thor Ragnarok, third episode of the franchise featuring the god of thunder embodied by Chris Hemsworth, is broadcast on TF1 on August 31 at 9:10 p.m. Fans will regret the absence of Natalie Portman, who plays astrophysicist Jane Foster in the first, second and fourth film of the saga. For a long time there were rumors that the actress no longer wanted to act in films Marvel. Kevin Feige, the boss of the studios, tried to give an explanation at the microphone of Entertainment Weekly in 2017. He evokes “many reasons” for this absence. In particular the fact that the film takes place very little on Earth, and that it deals with the relationship between Valkyrie and the Norse god: “We wanted Thor to meet someone who was more his equal, and that his relationship with Jane moved unexpectedly between Thor 2: The Dark World and Thor 3: Ragnarok.”

For many years, Marvel fans had to make up their minds: Natalie Portman and Jane Foster would not reappear in the MCU. But Thor 4: Love and Thunderthe fourth action film starring the character played by Chris Hemsworth released in 2022, completely overturned this received idea: Natalie Portman was not only back in the role of the astrophysicist and love-interest of Thor, but her character became a female version of the God of Thunder, Mighty Thor, as is the case in the comics. To discover his fate, however, you have to watch the fourth film.

Synopsis – Deprived of his powerful hammer, Thor is held prisoner on a distant planet at the edge of the universe. To save Asgard, he will have to fight against time in order to prevent the ruthless Hela from accomplishing Ragnarök – the destruction of his world and the end of the Asgardian civilization.
