Why is Karla Sofia Gascón filing a complaint against Marion Maréchal?

Why is Karla Sofia Gascon filing a complaint against Marion

Winner of the prize for best female performance at Cannes, the transgender Spanish actress has filed a complaint for sexist outrages against the head of the European list for Reconquête!.

Karla Sofia Gascón filed a complaint on Wednesday for “sexist contempt” against Marion Maréchal, AFP learned through her lawyer. This complaint follows that filed two days earlier by six associations defending LGBT+ rights who took the matter to the Paris prosecutor’s office last Monday for “transphobic insult” after a tweet posted by the head of the Reconquête! in the European elections.

The 52-year-old transgender Spanish actress won an award last Saturday at the Cannes Film Festival, just like her colleagues Selena Gomez, Zoe Saldana and Adriana Paz. The four actresses received a joint acting award for their performances in the musical film Emilia Perezdirected by Jacques Audiard.

Following this award ceremony, Marion Maréchal took to the social network Progress for the left is the erasure of women and mothers.” In response, Karla Sofia Gascón filed a complaint against

“Put an end to this kind of talk”

In a press release sent to AFP, the actress said it was time to “put an end to this kind of talk”. His counsel, Etienne Deshoulière, also made it known that “only the person targeted by the remarks can act on” the basis of sexist outrage due to their gender identity. “It was therefore necessary for Karla Sofia Gascon to act alongside LGBT+ associations to have Marion Maréchal convicted of sexist outrage due to gender identity.”

In Emilia Pereza stunning musical film presented at the Cannes Film Festival and which also won the Jury Prize, Karla Sofia Gascón plays a Mexican drug lord who secretly begins a gender transition to finally become the woman he has always been.

Anti-LGBT+ offenses on the rise

By receiving the supreme award for an actress at Cannes, the actress became the first transgender woman to receive this award. She dedicated it to “all trans people who are suffering.” In a report published on May 16the ministerial statistical service for internal security (SSMSI) recorded a 13% increase in anti-LGBT+ offenses in 2023, with 4,560 offenses recorded against gay, lesbian, bi or trans people.
