why is it not in the EU?

why is it not in the EU

UKRAINE AND EU. With the attack on Ukraine by Russia on February 24, the European Union must take a stand and determine the sanctions it will impose on Moscow and the aid it will send to Kiev. All information on the links between Ukraine and the European Union.

Many are wondering about Ukraine’s membership of the European Union (EU), as Russia launched an offensive on the country on Thursday, February 24, 2022 – which you can follow in real time on our live. Although it does not belong to the Europe of 27, Ukraine maintains links with the European Union. Links that it has strengthened through successive agreements between the two parties. For several years, she has also shown her desire to join the EU, to the great displeasure of Moscow.

Is Ukraine part of the European Union?

Ukraine is not a member of the European Union, although it maintains relations with the EU. In 2008, the question of Ukraine’s potential membership arose, 44.7% of the Ukrainian population having declared themselves in favour. The same thing in 2021, with the rise of tensions with Russia (which led to the February 24 invasion): President Zelensky asked European leaders to quickly begin the accession procedure. Near The voice of the NorthOlivier Berger, great reporter and specialist in Ukraine, analyzes: “This application for membership is legitimate […] But the European Union has not started negotiations with a view to this accession, no doubt as a precaution, in the hope of not aggravating the situation…”

Why is Ukraine not part of the European Union?

Several reasons prevent Ukraine from joining the European Union, including, in particular, the political instability which reigned in the country for a long time, before the coming to power of the current President, Volodymyr Zelensky. In addition, Ukraine does not meet a number of criteria imposed by the EU in order to become a member state. Thus, corruption, still very important in the country to this day, despite the arrival of Zelensky at the head of the country, is the main obstacle to the integration of Ukraine into the Europe of 27. Ukraine has been showing its wish to join the EU for several years. Thus, in 2019, Kiev enshrined in its Constitution its aspiration to one day join the European Union and NATO, obliging the executive and legislative powers to work in this direction. However, in March 2016, the then President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, declared that Ukraine would not be a member of the European Union for 20 to 25 years.

What is the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union?

The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, or, in its full name, the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and their Member States , on the one hand, and Ukraine, on the other hand, is a treaty establishing a political and economic association between Ukraine and the EU. Definitively entered into force on September 1, 2017, it commits the two parties to cooperate and converge their economic policies, their legislation and their common rules, including, for example, rights for workers, steps towards the abolition of visas or even the access to the European Investment Bank. In other words, this agreement aims to deepen political and economic ties and to list the common values ​​to be respected between the two parties. Furthermore, as part of this Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, Ukraine and the European Union undertake to organize regular meetings between their leaders. In detail, this agreement replaces, from 2017, the partnership and cooperation agreement, which has determined bilateral relations between the EU and Ukraine since 1998, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership of the European Neighborhood Policy.

Does Ukraine use the euro?

The monetary currency of Ukraine is not the euro, but the Hryvnia and has been since September 2, 1996. As of February 25, 2022, the exchange rate between the two currencies is as follows: 1 euro is approximately equivalent at 33.31 UAH. Note that ATMs generally accept international bank cards and that payment by bank card is possible in many shops.

Is Ukraine part of the Schengen area?

Ukraine is, to date, neither a member of the Schengen area nor an associated state of this area. The Schengen area is, as a reminder, an area of ​​free movement of persons. In other words, in this area, any individual entering the territory of one of the Member States can freely cross the borders of other countries, without undergoing checks. Thus, air flights between cities in the Schengen area are considered domestic flights. A Member State of the Schengen area may only reinstate border controls in the event of a breach of public order or national security, for a maximum of 24 months, and only after consultation with the other Member States. . In 2021, the Schengen area has 26 States, including 22 of the 27 members of the European Union (Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Croatia are not yet part of it and Ireland benefiting from a special status and only participating in part of the Schengen provisions). In addition, four associated states, which are not members of the EU, are also grouped together under the name Schengen area (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein).

Definition of European Union

The European Union (EU) is the voluntary association of 27 States establishing a political and economic area that has existed legally since the Treaty of Maastricht (signed on February 7, 1992 and entered into force on November 1, 1993). It is neither a federation, nor a confederation of states, nor an international organization – it has a unique status. The Member States entrust the EU with competences in order to achieve common objectives. Its goal ? Promote the sustainable development of balanced economic growth and fight, among other things, against social exclusion and discrimination, specifies INSEE on his site. Furthermore, it seeks to promote the peace and well-being of its peoples by offering them an area of ​​freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers. Member States must, finally, respond to common values, including in particular respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy and equality.

Who are the member states? On January 31, 2020, after the withdrawal of the United Kingdom following Brexit, the following 27 States were part of the EU: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France , Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden. Five states wishing to join the European Union also have the status of candidate state (Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, with which membership negotiations are in progress; Albania and North Macedonia, countries for which negotiations have not yet started) and two that of potential candidates (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo).
