Why is it important to supplement with vitamin D?

Why is it important to supplement with vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an essential role in our body. It contributes in particular to the proper functioning of the immune system and to the maintenance of normal bones. That is why it is necessary not to miss it.

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin” is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Food also provides it. However, studies have shown that for the majority of the population, the daily intake is insufficient and requires supplementation to achieve the recommended level in the body. Our body has a constant daily need for vitamin D between 800 and 2,000 International Units (IU) per day (1).

Supplementing one’s daily needs is particularly necessary at certain periods of life: during childhood and adolescence, at menopause and generally after 50 years for everyone. Supplementation is also recommended for people with very little sun exposure. Finally, vitamin D contributes significantly to the defense of our immune cells. Professor Cédric ANNWEILER of the CHU of Angers, specifies that “the whole of the French population would be at risk of vitamin D deficiency between November and April (versus May – October). Supplementation can then be proposed during this period, and year-round in certain populations with risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.” Ensuring your vitamin D needs during the winter is therefore particularly judicious.

Vitamin D3 FilmTec® IBSA

Vitamin D exists in two forms: vitamin D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 is found to be the most effective in increasing serum concentrations in the blood. It is also the most biologically active form in the body.

IBSA Pharmaa French subsidiary of the pharmaceutical group IBSA based in Switzerland and a specialist in incremental innovation, has developed the Vitamin D3 FilmTec® IBSA, a food supplement based on Vitamin D3 in the form of an ultra-thin orodispersible film. This original galenic form allows a very simple, practical intake, without water. Once deposited on the tongue, a few seconds are enough for the film to dissolve. It delivers the right dose, guaranteeing safe intake. The plus: the natural orange flavor which diffuses a pleasant fruity taste.

Vitamin D3 FilmTec® IBSA comes in two strengths to suit the needs of the whole family: 1000 IU (for use in adults and children over 3 years old) and 2000 IU (for use in adults and adolescents with higher needs) students). It is advisable to take one orodispersible film daily for at least 30 days, unless contraindicated by the doctor.

© IBSA Pharma

Food supplements Vitamin D3 FilmTec® IBSA have been available in pharmacies since September at the recommended retail price of €13.90 per box of 30 films (packaged in individual sachets).

For more information about the lab, visit IBSA Pharma.

(1). Amrein L. et al., Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: update on the current status wolrdwide. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2020;74(11):1198-513.

For your health, eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day – www.mangerbouger.fr
