Hall Sports World Championships in China 21-23 March The races are visible on EPN channels.
Armand Duplantis bears the nickname “Mondo”. It is Italian and means the world. He was nicknamed as a little boy.
Mondo is a great nickname as Duplantis is a world -famous superstar who has already made 11 adult world records with his pole vault career. He is also a multiple value winner.
Duplantis coach, father Greg duplantis At one time jumped 580 cents. His mother is a Swedish seven -player. Born in the United States, Duplantis represents Sweden.
The backyard of the Duplantis family had a pole vault, and Mondo, who had a brilliant genetic heritage, was a small chill of pole vault.
At the age of 9, he jumped at the age of 320 and at the age of 13 at 415. At the age of 15, he won the World Championship with a score of 530.
– In childhood, there has been a very diverse practice in the age of 5-15. They will not be caught later. As a young person, you have to do the right things, says a pole vault expert Matti Mononen.
Through the father and mother’s athletics background, the information about the right practice has been found in their own family.
– The family has played an important role. No such friends are born more than once in 20 years. He is a pretty rare case. All the pieces are right, inches Mononen.
At the age of 17, Duplantis jumped 590, which is seven cents more than the current Finnish record.
This story divides the Duplantis performance into three parts and explains which features make him the best in the world.
“As a whole, pole vault is like a chain where the previous step always affects the next step,” says Mononen, who has jumped 570.
The pace and the arrival of the pit
If the jump is divided into three parts, the first part is the pace and the arrival of the pit. One important factor is speed.
Duplantis is fast for pole vault. He ran 10.23 in a fun -loving 100 -meter test competition last summer.
As a comparison, with that result, Duplantis would have won the 100m Finnish Championship 19 times in the 2000s.
The top jumper must also have a good running rhythm.
– The contact time for Mondo’s running is fast, making the run light and easy.
The speed is extremely important, as it is difficult to save a bad run.
– The speed run rhythm must be accelerating. The jumper often has a punctuation mark of 6 steps before the pit. Mondo is about 17 meters before the pit.
The speed of coming to the Duplantis Kuopa is also the world’s highest.
– Never measured faster entry into the pit. Mondo is 10.3 meters per second. Serhi with a bubka It must have been 10 meters per second, says Mononen.
Duplantis frequency accelerates at the end of the pace and it looks like someone pulls with a rubber band.
– It’s really important that the last step is shorter. Mondo has about 40 cents shorter, and you can see it. Then the focus starts to rise, he can push the pelvis up and drive energy into the head.
The next part of the pole jumping is the departure.
– It is perhaps the most difficult phase of a jump. You should move all the pace and energy to the head, says Matti Mononen.
If you are aiming for record heights, the jumper must have as rigid as possible, which must be as high as possible. You have to get a lot of energy downloaded to the head.
– Mondo knows how to slip into the pit and has gained more strength in recent years.
– Mondo’s effort is 4 meters before the pit. He has moved it back to get even bigger sides.
During the exit stage, the timing must be in place. Hands must be on time rather than late. During the exit stage, the jumper’s shoulders and torso are most powerful against power.
– It aims to be one with the soup. For Mondo, it is by far the best phase. He goes just like a stick and gets it back all the energy. The pelvis lasts near the pole.
– It looks like that can’t be difficult.
Control of the instrument
The third phase is the management of the tool.
– When you go with the stick and can help with your hands, the pole is the only support point. When the pole returns energy, in the case of Mondo, it shows that the jumper just floats over the bar.
There is no time to think about the jump, but the doing must come from the spine. Many times the end of a successful jump comes by itself.
– Once the bar is crossed, then the jumper can enjoy. Usually, the jumper already feels like a good jump now, says Mononen.
– In Mondo’s best jumps, the package is in the end. The crossing is top notch.
Domination continues
Duplantis’s ME result is now 627. Where can he reach?
– I would say that the potential is 635, with top conditions and everything right.
The pole vault is also a sensitive species of injury, but Duplantis has remained very healthy.
– He gets very little hashish jumps. They are bad for the jumper. Mondo is mentally very strong. There is no uncertainty about it and he trusts a lot about his work.
Is there any one coming behind who could even reach Mondo?
– It’s hard to challenge him at the moment. Greek Emmanouil on the Karalic There is potential to jump over 610.
So the Supermar Star of the pole vault also whips others to make his records. The men’s level is rocky and many are already able to jump into six meters results.
What about Finns? Jani Lehtonen Jumped out in 1993 in 582 outdoors and a year later in the hall 583.
Those results have lasted long. Either Urho Kujanpää, Juho Alasaari Or someone else would be able to threaten Lehtonen’s SE readings?
– That’s what the guys are waiting for to reach the next level. Both have potential. The basic level must be given higher, outlines Mononen.
Armand Duplantis also competes in the World Hall Sports World Championships in China from 21 to 23 March. The races are visible on EPN channels.