Genshin Impact is currently demanding the full commitment and discipline of MeinMMO editor Marie Friske.
As a player in Genshin Impact, I’m in control of my in-game spend—most of the time, at least. If only there wasn’t always the temptation of the numerous, cool 5-star figures.
You quickly try your luck in the Gatcha system and use the savings to draw an event banner and have a chance at a character. So the new character Alhaitham tempted me to spend heaps of saved in-game currency.
Here you can see a trailer for Alhaitham:
Genshin Impact: Alhaitham Introductory Video
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But now the spending is finally over. Because with some leaks, Genshin Impact players could already get a glimpse of any upcoming characters. Of course, this is pure speculation and the information has not yet been officially confirmed.
But just the prospect of a certain character in an upcoming game version is reason enough for me to work out an ingenious savings system.
The motivation: A mysterious, green-haired Liyue apothecary with a talking snake who is one of the best NPCs in the entire game: Baizhu!
This is my ultimate savings plan
With Baizhu in mind, I spend most of my time in Genshin Impact doing one thing: hoarding in-game currency. But that’s not enough.
In order to avoid becoming weak again with the next characters and throwing my savings out the window, I have now found the perfect strategy for me – and reached a new level of nerdy even for my standards.
I write a list by hand to get an overview of how many draws I need to get Baizhu guaranteed. However, it needs a buffer in addition to the minimum moves, since even if you get hold of a 5-star character in the 50:50 draw, you could still lose.
After that I start with mathematical calculations. I take the approximate date from the leaks when Baizhu might appear and calculate the days I have left. Of course, factors like
In addition, I try to plan how much currency could be added through certain events or in-game activities. In the end I know how much of the in-game currency I have to earn per day to get Baizhu guaranteed.
The list helps me to have a clear goal in mind and to keep track of my savings. By checking off the list, I already have a small sense of achievement and the feeling that I have already used the possible draws – without actually using them.
Hopefully the best NPC will finally come as a playable character
Baizhu is the owner of Bubu Pharmacy. Together with the zombie girl Qiqi, he sells his goods there, sometimes at horrendous prices, and treats patients in Liuye.
So he asks about 3 million Mora for an item that the main character in Genshin Impact absolutely needs, but then mercifully the price goes down a bit. With a generous discount, he just wants 2,990,000 of the fictional currency – and gets away with it.
Baizhu is a mysterious character whose intentions have not yet been fully understood. Its background is barely lit. It is also interesting that the mysterious man carries a talking snake named Chansheng on his shoulders.
After the Mora action, the duo delivers a little goose bumps moment that makes me really curious who Baizhu actually is:
There are different fan theories as to who Baizhu really is. Some assume he is the real Dendro-Archon, others believe he is an adept. He also bears a striking resemblance to one of the Fatui Harbingers: Pantalone – which I will also immediately secure for release. Therefore, one puzzles over whether the two could be brothers, twins or even the same person.
Both seem to have a special connection to money. Pantalone acts as banker for the antagonist group Fatui Harbinger, while Baizhu also seems interested in big sums from Mora.
I find the character Baizhu so incredibly exciting precisely because of his inscrutable nature. I also like his voice and the character that shines through again and again in cutscenes or the trailers.
Baizhu makes a small appearance in the trailer Endless Suffering:
Genshin Impact: “Endless Suffering” Short Trailer
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Maybe the time has come for the Apothecary to finally get a more prominent role in Genshin Impact. I will be well prepared for the moment.
Do you have any particular strategies to keep you from spending your savings on games? Write it to us in the comments.
My veteran fund savings were originally intended for Zhongli banners. Now, of course, I hope that he doesn’t get an event banner together with another one of my favorites. Then I would really have a big financial problem or would have to add the Zhongli factor to my previous calculations.