Why hire a guidance counselor?

Why hire a guidance counselor

Whether he works in a school, in a CIO or even as a private person, the guidance counselor plays an important role in the career choice and orientation of the people who request it.

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What do I like ? What job do I want to do? What am I good at? These are many questions that all young people ask themselves when choosing a career. In case of doubts or fear, the guidance counselor is there to guide and inform.

Guidance counsellor: what is his role?

The guidance counselor-psychologist works within a school (college or high school) or in an information and guidance center (CIO). It receives both adolescents and young adults, but also people looking for professional integration. Its role is to accompany them and help them make the best choice according to their expectations but also their desires and their personality. For this, the counselor speaks with the person but also has computer tools such as the software orientation assistance. This will allow the person to ask themselves the right questions and to wonder about what they really want to do from a professional point of view. The adviser must have great listening skills and an open mind to help people build a future and gain self-confidence.

How to find your professional orientation?

Very early on, children are asked about what they want to do later. If very young, a little boy can spontaneously answer “firefighter”, “footballer” or “computer specialist” and a little girl “teacher”, “singer” or ” nurse », arrived at the age to make a choice for his adult life, the question can remain unanswered. The family environment undoubtedly plays a role in decision-making, national education too. But, to find your professional orientation, you have to know yourself and for that to question your preferences and define the priorities of your future. Your areas of interest and also your skills will allow you to find the job that suits you.

So how do we see its future? The questions could be: what excites me? In what environment do I want to work? In an office, in town or in the countryside? Traveling is part of my dreams or I don’t want to stray from my cocoon family and social? Do I like numbers or literature? I want to defend a cause? The future of the planet asks me and I want understand the universe ? I like cooking, sports, digital ? All these questions, as diverse as they may be, will allow you to narrow the field of possibilities for your professional orientation. You can also search for Internetfind out about the job market and call on a guidance counselor to refine your career choice.

Why consult a guidance counselor?

The guidance counselor can be consulted on several occasions:

  • for discover trades which you would not have thought of or were aware of;
  • to get to know each other better, whether in terms of personality or professional career ambition;
  • to choose the path best suited to your expectations and objectives;
  • to better integrate the labor market;
  • to be accompanied in an individualized way.

When to consult a guidance counselor?

There is not necessarily a better time to consult a guidance counsellor. Each individual advances at their own pace and orients their choice of studies and professional objectives more or less quickly. Some will know very early on what they want to do in life, for others the journey may be more difficult. The important thing is to know that support is possible, whether you are in college, high school, university or looking for a professional integration. The guidance counselor guides, accompanies, coaches with maximum neutrality and without prejudice. Its objective is to guide you towards the path of success and personal fulfillment.

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