Why does the Nupes bend but not yet break?

Why does the Nupes bend but not yet break

Will the Socialist Party decide to leave Nupes? The question is under discussion this Saturday, October 14, 2023 during a national council of the PS. In question, the tensions between the Insoumis and their partners concerning the war in the Middle East, LFI still refusing to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization. Since its creation, Nupes has been constantly on the verge of implosion, but survives as best it can.

There were disputes over pension reform, over the Quatennens affair, on the European and senatorial elections, the repeated invectives between party leaders on social networks. And yet, almost a year and a half after its creation, Nupes is still there.

To hear its members, this may seem incredible. “ The Nupes is a ball, a camisole », deplores the boss of the communists Fabien Roussel. “ A machine to launch Jean-Luc Mélenchon towards the 2027 presidential election “, we add in the socialist and environmentalist ranks. “ If they are not happy, let them leave », replies a rebellious leader. Except no one left.

The Nupes continues to exist for exactly the same reason that it could explode, explains an LFI deputy. Teveryone is only there to do electoral business, so things move with the direction of the wind », continues this elected official from civil society saying “ desperate by these attitudes. »

Hamas controversy reignites tensions

It’s blowing very hard from the side of the Socialist Party and more precisely from the fringe which has always been hostile to the Nupes, including the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who called the boss of the PS Olivier Faure ” to put an end to the misalliance » linked with the Insoumis.

We’ll talk about it again at the 2026 municipal elections “, we scath from the side of LFI, citing the possible transition to direct universal suffrage in the election of mayors of Paris, Lyon and Marseille, a reform pushed by the right and the presidential camp. “ These mayors who no longer want Nupes will be very happy to find it again to save their seats and then we will no longer talk about the Middle East », exclaims a rebellious elected official.

Yes, there is a problem with the way LFI to designate Hamasprocrastinates a communist leader, but our positions are not very far away, and lightning could also fall on us “, he admits, recalling that his party had proposed a resolution designating Israel as a state having implemented apartheid.

Rather stop or still?

If there’s one thing all Nupes members agree on, it’s that the first one out loses politically. He will be held responsible for the end of the union. “ And there is no real alternative project », Judges a PS executive. Hence the calls coming from socialist or environmentalist ranks to find “ a better way of operating », understand a union less swallowed up by the Insoumis. In the meantime, we play for time and look at each other out of the corner of our eyes: “ I’ll never be the first to leaverecalls the boss of the socialists Olivier Faure, but I won’t be the last rooster on the dung heap either. »
