Why does the chicken eat the egg? What should we do if chickens eat their own eggs, what should be given as protein?

There may be many problems that those who want to raise chickens may encounter. Being aware of these problems and providing timely solutions increases productivity in livestock. The most important problem that arises in backyard chickens and release chicken farming is that the chickens break or eat their own eggs. Among the reasons for this may be wrong feeding. Chickens are inquisitive and exploratory poultry. Among the main reasons for this curiosity is, of course, the instinct of foraging. They will try anything they come across with their beaks to find food.

When do chickens start laying eggs?

Egg laying times of chickens may vary according to the season and environment in which they live. Depending on the conditions of the area where they grow up, they enter the spawning period between 4.5 and 8 months. Some chicken species start to lay eggs in a shorter time, such as 3.5 months. The eggs of the chicken that lays eggs for the first time are quite small compared to the others. Chickens that reach adulthood in winter should lay eggs in January – February. This may take longer depending on the circumstances. It is known that chickens lay eggs mostly between morning and noon. However, some types of chickens can lay eggs outside of a certain time. When chickens are ready to lay eggs, their ear lobes and fibres begin to turn red. When chickens enter the laying period, forks begin to open in their lower parts.

Why does the chicken eat the egg?

Chickens can eat their eggs for many different reasons. The important thing is that it should be stopped early before it becomes a habit. The reasons for this problem, which chicken breeders often encounter, should be known. The reasons for chickens to eat their eggs are as follows:

  • Malnutrition of chicken: When chickens are malnourished, they may starve and eat their own eggs. Chickens tend to forage, peck anything they see and forage for food, so they may eat their eggs.
  • Vitamin-free feeds: The feed of chickens should have enough nutritional value to meet their needs. They may prefer to eat eggs to meet their missing vitamins, protein and other needs.
  • Calcium deficiency in the feed mixture: Chickens need calcium to produce eggs. For this reason, chickens with calcium and vitamin deficiency instinctively start to eat eggs in order to continue egg production.
  • Chicken thirst: Chickens are among the creatures that consume a lot of water. That’s why they need constant access to clean water. In this case, experiencing a deficiency leads them to eat their eggs again. Chicken thirst brings health problems apart from eating eggs.
  • The presence of chickens in a cramped area: The coop of laying hens must be of sufficient size. When too many chickens are together, the chances of breaking the eggs increase. Chickens will want to eat the broken eggs.
  • Not using litter on the coop floor: For the hen to lay eggs, the nest must be soft. For this reason, materials such as sawdust or straw should be used for nesting or poultry litter. It is possible for chickens to eat eggs, as eggs will break in a hard-bottomed nest.

What should be given to chickens as protein?

Chickens will want to try it when they come across a broken egg while exploring. The taste of eggs is very attractive to chickens. Therefore, they notice the taste of the egg and may make it a habit. Their favorite part of the egg is the yolk. Some chickens eat the entire egg and leave no residue as if they had never been laid.

If your chickens are grown in open areas or in the garden, they meet their protein needs by feeding on small creatures. It is very difficult to reach these creatures, which are a source of protein, especially in winter. Giving chickens eggs, minced meat, soy, raw fish and unroasted sunflower seeds during the winter months will meet their protein needs. On the other hand, chickens raised indoors should be fed with these additional foods and meet their protein needs.
