Why does Elon Musk offer himself Twitter?

Why does Elon Musk offer himself Twitter

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The affair lasted for weeks but, in the end, Elon Muskthe richest man in the world, will become owner of the social network Twitter. The Board of Directors finally accepted his ” latest and best offer which amounts to a total of approximately 44 billion dollars (41 billion euros).

Elon Musk poses as a defender of freedom of expression and indicated that his goal was not to gainmoney. He intends to transform Twitter into a private company and will buy back the shares at a price of 54.20 dollars, which would leave him free to impose his own vision on the social network and to “ unleash its enormous potential “.

Changes for the better… and for the worse?

The boss of You’re here wish ” make Twitter better than ever by improving the product with new features, making algorithms free to increase trust, ridding the platform of spambot bots, and authenticating all humans “. However, Elon Musk has in the past been very critical of Twitter’s policy in matter of freedom of expression, and had indicated in particular that ” Twitter should be very careful with permanent bans and that he preferred a temporary suspension.

Does this mean that he intends to reconsider the exclusion of Trump? The main concerned told Fox News that he prefers in any case to stay on its own Truth platform. It is also difficult to know what Elon Musk’s policy will be in terms of disinformation and hate speech. This last point is of particular concern to human rights groups. We will have to wait for the purchase to be finalized within a few weeks or months to see how this translates in practice.

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