Why does baby drool a lot?

Why does baby drool a lot

It is completely normal for babies to drool during the first months of life. Teeth, GERD… This excess salivation can nevertheless have several causes. Why is baby drooling so much? What to do in case of irritation? The point with Dr Anne Boutemy, pediatrician.

The majority of babies drool, and often in abundance, because they gradually discover their orality. Baby will put his toys, his fingers, sometimes his clothes in his mouth, to learn to coordinate his tongue, his saliva and his lips. Thus, a large amount of slime can flow out. But this hypersalivation can also be due to different causes (teething, digestive disorder such as GERD…). Pediatrician Anne Boutemy tells us more about this excess saliva.

Why is my baby drooling a lot?

“Until the age of 3-4 months, the baby sets out to discover orality : he begins to become aware of his hands, of his oral sphere, to put objects in his mouth and he will feel pleasure doing this, which will stimulate the secretion of saliva. This process is therefore perfectly normal, since baby has not yet learned to swallow his saliva. In fact, the excess comes out through the mouth“, explains the pediatrician. Other causes may be at the origin of this hypersalivation :

  • Sucking your thumb or a pacifiersince it prevents him from swallowing.
  • Teething : baby can chew on his toys and thus drool a lot.
  • The presence of canker sores in the mouth, or any other viral manifestation of the oral sphere (hand foot and mouth syndromeherpes, tonsillitis viral and bacterial, pharyngitis, viral glossitisetc).
  • A digestive disorder such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which is mainly manifested by frequent regurgitation, abundant saliva, sleep disturbances and crying.

Is it normal for babies to drool a lot?

β€œIt is important to keep in mind thatit is normal for a baby to droolas long as he has not become aware of his oral sphere and the phenomenon of swallowing”reassures Dr. Anne Boutemy.

“It is normal for a baby to drool, as long as he has not become aware of his oral sphere and the phenomenon of swallowing.”

What is the role of saliva in babies?

Saliva plays a role in baby’s digestion.The mouth is the first organ of digestion through chewing. Saliva plays an important role in this process since it hydrates the food bolus and starts digestion thanks to amylasethe enzyme responsible for breaking down food to promote its assimilation by the intestineβ€œ, explains Dr. Anne Boutemy.

Antibacterial, saliva also cleans the mouth and regulates its pH, thus contributing to oral balance. This is what will later limit the appearance of cavities. It is mainly made up of water, electrolytes, mineral salts and proteins.

What to do in case of irritation due to baby drool?

Saliva is irritating to the skin, it may be that one caustic dermatitis (irritant dermatitis) appears on the part where the child drooled, around the mouth, on the chin, and sometimes on the neck. To remedy this, Dr Anne Boutemy recommends that parentsprevent the baby from coming into contact with the t-shirt that has contained drool, and to prevent the accumulation of drool under his pacifier because it will irritate his skin. As soon as one sees the drool, it is necessary to wipe.

Thanks to Dr Anne Boutemy pediatrician in Guerville.
