Why do young mothers seek to “rediscover their pink color”?

Why do young mothers seek to rediscover their pink color

A new trend called “Get your pink back” invites mothers of young children to regain their pink color. What exactly does that mean and why does it feel good?

“Recover your pink color” also called in English “Get your pink back”. This new trend shared on social networks is gaining momentum in the United States among young mothers who have just welcomed a newborn. So much so that an influencer took the opportunity to create her own line of “get your pink back” clothing and accessories. But what exactly does this expression mean? It has nothing to do with having given birth to a little girl or having a rosy view of life while cuddling the baby. In fact, we have to lean towards the pink flamingos.

On Tiktok, Lindsay Gurk recalls how these birds function at the birth of their child, and each of the mothers will be able to recognize themselves in this very natural phenomenon. Mother flamingos expend so much energy caring for their young that, after birth, they lose their flamboyant pink color that defines them so much. They also save all the food for their offspring, eating the minimum. But once the babies grow up, they regain their color.

So, if we compare it with women who have just given birth, we realize that motherhood disrupts our daily lives and considerably tires parents who do everything to put their baby’s needs before their own. Result: we tend, as mothers, to forget ourselves a little, or even a lot. No more time to go out, see your friends, take a shower at the time you want, eat at a fixed time, rest… And this often weighs on the morale of mothers.

“Finding your pink color again” is therefore about feeling more like yourself after this big upheaval, and this can take more or less time depending on the young mothers. The idea: to find yourself, to feel beautiful, strong, to take time for yourself, to better experience this postpartum period of which women can be proud.
