Why do we lose a lot of hair in autumn? What to do?

Why do we lose a lot of hair in autumn

The phenomenon is natural but quite disconcerting.

Hair loss in the fall is common. While some don’t feel concerned, others lose their hair by the hundreds. In reality, this process is seasonal and occurs twice a year: in spring and in fall. Fortunately, this phenomenon is temporary, and generally does not last more than three months.

“The hair is constantly renewing itself. It is therefore perfectly normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day, explains Dr. Kathleen Scemama, aesthetic doctor in Paris. A phenomenon which is often accentuated in the fall, since the summer season has contributed to drying out the scalp. This has been put to the test with sea water, excess sun, and sometimes diets that have led to weight loss and which, consequently, cause a temporary loss of hair mass.

Fortunately, there are solutions. For people who suffer from hair loss every year during this period, it is possible to take food supplements for 3 to 6 months in order to slow down hair loss and stimulate regrowth. “While there are many products available on the market, care must be taken to ensure that they contain vitamins B1, B6, B8 (biotin) and zinc in large quantities, as it is these essential vitamins and amino acids that have a real impact on the health of the hair fiber” explains Dr Kathleen Scemama, aesthetic doctor in Paris.

Diet plays a vital role in hair health. In promoting the oxygenation of cells, the vitamins, trace elements and amino acids help to slow down hair loss and stimulate regrowth. Therefore, it is important to consume plenty of foods rich in:

  • B vitamins: seeds, nuts, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, dairy products, green vegetables, whole grains.
  • Sulfur: in garlic, egg, meat, onion, fish and seafood, etc.
  • Proteins: poultry, eggs, oilseeds, legumes.
  • Zinc: in oysters, crab, lobster, red meat, organ meats and eggs.
  • Omega-3: fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring), rapeseed oil, walnut oil.
  • Iron: vary the sources with heme iron contained in products of animal origin and non-heme iron found in plants and eggs.
  • Vitamin C: parsley, kale, orange, clementines, lemon, kiwi, grapefruit, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach.

The manager of the Emma Beauty hair salon in Paris recommends the use of shampoos without sulfates, without parabens, to prefer natural products, so as not to attack the scalp. She recommends rinsing your hair with lukewarm water to avoid damaging the leather and to protect your hair from the sun and cold. “It’s autumn, it’s completely normal for hair to fall out a little. Like trees losing their leaves! You shouldn’t worry, but when the loss becomes too severe, it may be necessary to to consult”. For her part, naturopath Sabine Monnoyeur recommends not washing your hair more than 2 to 3 times a week. Scalp massages are also recommended because they promote hair growth by activating microcirculation.

To limit hair loss in the fall, naturopath Sabine Monnoyeur recommends rubbing 5 drops of Atlas Cedar Essential Oil every evening before shampooing. Other advice that is more general but still healthy: learn to manage stress, avoid chemical cosmetics, sleep at least eight hours a night and practice regular physical activity. So many good reflexes which help promote the elimination of toxins accumulated in the body and contribute to the oxygenation of the scalp.

Finally, mesotherapy injections consist of carrying out very small pricks all over the scalp at the level of the bulb, focusing on the most bald areas. The injected product contains vitamins, trace elements, zinc and hyaluronic acid which will slow down hair loss and stimulate regrowth. As hair is a balance between normal hair loss and regrowth, we will restore this balance in approximately eight sessions. “Mesotherapy is effective in slowing down seasonal hair loss and stimulating regrowth, provided that the bulb is healthy. On the other hand, this method is of no use for baldness, for which the only remedy will be a hair transplant. hair” warns our aesthetic doctor.
