Why do we get dark circles under our eyes when we are tired?

Why do we get dark circles under our eyes when

Some of us get dark circles under our eyes from lack of sleep. Others feel like they have it even after a good night’s sleep! Why ? What are the different types of dark circles? Is it possible to reduce them?

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It exists several types of dark circles. Some are related to fatigue and stress, others are related to aging. In any case, we are not equal when it comes to dark circles. Some people will always have more than others, no matter how hard they try. Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle will always promote less visible dark circles !

blue circles

Blue or purplish dark circles are the most common. They can appear from childhood in some people; it is not a sign of aging. Under the eye, the skin is very thin and relatively transparent. This area is irrigated by veins and arteries. The color blue corresponds to the veins loaded with CO2, so slightly bluish, which can be seen through the skin. Although not directly related, a bad sleep or a diet rich in sugars and fat promote dilation of the venous network and therefore more visible dark circles. A healthy lifestyle helps to reduce them. To note that the stress is also a factor favoring the occurrence of dark circles.

Dark circles of brown or brown color

Some people have brown or even yellow skin discoloration under the eye. These are melanin spots; this is produced by melanocytes. As the skin is extremely thin at this level, a slight excess of melanin is immediately visible. Melanin is a pigment produced by our skin when exposed to sun. It’s this molecule which gives a pretty golden color to our skin and which is called Sun tanning. To avoid the formation of excess melanin, it is possible to use a total screen around the eyes during sun exposure. Foundation can also be applied to camouflage dark circles.

Dark circles and dark circles full or “bags under the eyes”

Dark circles are linked to aging. In some people, a V forms under the eye. In young subjects, this hollow is filled with fat and muscle. With age, there is a melting fatty and muscular forming a hollow under the eye.

The dark circles are also linked to aging, but the mechanism is different. In this case, it is the fat normally located around the eye that moves downward due to the loosening of the tissues.

Bags under the eyes “in the morning”

Bags under the eyes on waking are not linked to aging but to prolonged lying down. During the night, the drainage lymphatic and venous is slowed down. These puffiness fade in one to two hours after getting up. They are favored by a lack of sleep, tobacco andalcohol.

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