Why do the students at Staffangymnasiet get to participate in choosing their new teachers?

Involving students at Staffangymnasiet is important to the principal, and the idea that they can participate in interviews and ask questions has had very positive results. The school started with the concept a year ago.

Invaluable perspective

Principal Ann-Charlotte Låks explains that the students’ perspective is invaluable. The questions the students ask reflect the school’s culture and values ​​in a genuine way.

Before the students participate in the interview, they discuss with other students which aspects to look for in the candidate and which questions should be asked to make the process as efficient as possible.

Are salaries discussed when the students are in the interview room?

– No, we have to take that part without the students, says Anna-Charlotte Låks.

Hear in the video what the students think about being involved in teaching jobs.
