Why carry out a regular roof defoaming?

Why carry out a regular roof defoaming

Many neglect the maintenance of certain structures in their homes. Among these neglected parts is the roof of the house. Indeed, many homeowners forget to regularly clean or remove moss from their roof.

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However, this is an essential operation in order to benefit from lasting coverage. Note that the reasons for regularly maintaining your roof are not limited to this point. Why do you need to regularly remove moss from your roof? How to do it ? Discover our article to learn more on the subject.

Why should you regularly remove moss from your roof?

The roof is one of the structures most exposed to external aggressions such as climatic changes and pollution. But not only, it is often invaded by waste plants or dead leaves. Apart from these drawbacks, the roof may also suffer from an invasion of lichens, mushrooms, of foams… After a few years, these harmful elements have negative effects on the longevity of a roof. In addition, they can easily seep through tiles and retain rainwater. So much so that they lead to a degradation of the waterproofing of the roof. In addition, the longevity of a roof is also greatly affected. What to do ? In this situation, it is strongly recommended to provide regular defoaming of the roof. This is a roof maintenance operation to ensure the durability and the strength of the roof covering. But not only, defoaming a roof helps protect its roof and ensure a better seal.

How does a roof defoamer work?

Do you plan to carry out regular roof defoaming? How is this operation going? Roof defoaming consists of radically removing mosses, lichens and fungi that invade the roof. It is necessary to plan a cleaning phase with different equipment and products. These supplies are very effective in removing harmful waste from the roof. Subsequently, it remains to apply special substances to prevent the next invasions of lichens and mosses.

Use the right equipment to defoam a roof

Regular roof defoaming requires the use of different materials. Indeed, there are several items of equipment to have on hand for this type of roof maintenance:

  • The hard brush: this accessory is used to eradicate the lichens or mosses that invade the roof. By brushing the parts encrusted by these harmful elements, it is possible to eliminate them. However, the use of the brush requires a lot of care. Be careful with foam waste, as it may accumulate at the level of the brush. gutter.
  • The high cleaner pressure : this equipment is effective in perfectly removing moss or stains from the roof. It is a powerful and efficient device for an excellent cleaning of the roof.

Apply effective solutions for cleaning and defoaming roofs

Roof defoaming is not just about removing lichens, fungi or moss from the roof. It is also necessary to apply a particular product in order to prevent the return of these harmful elements on the roof. Note that there are different anti-foaming substances helping to protect its roof. However, these products are very chemical and dangerous. So it is preferable to bring in a professional who perfectly masters the handling of these substances. Aside from anti-foaming substances, the means to protect a roof also include spraying the solution. water repellent. It is a highly efficient and effective treatment to prevent the risk of water infiltration. Today, roofing craftsmen and specialized companies offer the water-repellent solution. This means helps protect a roof covering and also ensures its longevity. When removing moss from the roof, it is advisable to apply this treatment in several layers. Besides, you can also take advantage of these works to clean your facade.

Contact a professional to remove moss from your roof

De-mossing a roof is a fairly risky and delicate operation. A private individual cannot carry out this kind of intervention alone. So it is useful to call in a specialist in matter. Indeed, contacting a roofing craftsman or a company in this sector is practical to ensure the defoaming of the roof. Given the different equipment to use and the techniques to apply, it is best to contact a professional. Its intervention allows to obtain the best results for the maintenance of the roof. But not only, an individual avoids the dangers incurred by climbing on the roof. Be aware that the roof may be slippery. There is a high probability of falling from the roof and injuring yourself without the securing accessories. The special ladder, the non-slip shoes, the harness, the safety helmet, the protective mask … These are the safety equipment to wear to perform roof cleaning and defoaming in peace.

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