Why can your child’s canteen be billed 40 times more than another?

Why can your childs canteen be billed 40 times more

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    In its latest issue, the magazine 60 million consumers points out a significant difference in the price paid for school canteens depending on the territory. Why such a variation in bills? Answer.

    If you work, you have probably opted for a half-board plan for your child, who will therefore eat in the canteen with his friends. However, depending on your municipality, this service will be billed differently. And the difference can be colossal.

    From 16 cents… to 6 euros per meal depending on the municipality

    Thus according to a recent study by the association 60 Million Consumers The price differences between different French schools can vary greatly, from 16 cents per meal (in Seine-Saint-Denis, or in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, for example) to 6 euros in Rioz (in Haute Saône), i.e. 38 times more. A variability due to the freedom of pricing set by the local authority in charge, according to Article R.531-52 of the Education CodeAs a reminder, primary school canteens are managed by the municipalities, middle school canteens by the departments, and high school canteens by the regions, and each applies a different rate.

    A real cost of around 8 euros, more or less covered

    To be more precise, let us recall that the real cost of meals offered in canteens exceeds the amount charged to parents in any case. According to a report published in 2016 by the Occitanie regionthis cost varies between 7 and 13 euros, with an average of 8 euros. Of this amount, food expenses represent only a quarter of the cost. Half of the bill pays salaries, i.e. 4 euros for the kitchen staff, 2 euros for the ingredients, 1.20 euros for water and electricity and 80 cents for the building management costs.

    Faced with this glaring inequality according to the territories, the CSF (trade union confederation of families) is calling for a single national pricing scale, based on the family quotient. The association also wants monthly payments and more information on the aid that exists.

    If the bill is too steep, there are indeed remedies, too little known, to avoid eviction from school meals. Their availability also varies depending on the place of residence or the type of establishment. According to the magazine, for more information and criteria, parents can contact:

    • The Family Allowance Fund;
    • The town hall of their municipality;
    • The secretariat of the school establishment;
    • The school support service.

    A social fund for middle and high school canteens also helps finance all or part of the child’s half-board costs.

    A search on the site publicservice.fr will give you the available and targeted assistance for your child’s establishment.

    Canteen Meals Around the World

    Slideshow: Canteen Meals Around the World
