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in collaboration with
Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)
Medical validation:
July 23, 2022
According to a recent study carried out by a team from Inserm, CNRS, Toulouse III – Paul-Sabatier University and Toulouse University Hospital, various hormonal and genetic factors could explain this phenomenon.
Yes, women would have better immune defenses against viral infections (flu, HIV) and this is also true for Covid. This is at least what emerges from new work published in the journal eBioMedicine.
Women produce more “interferons” than men
To arrive at this observation, the immune system of 310 women and men aged 19 to 97 was closely scrutinized.
The researchers were particularly interested in “interferons” (proteins naturally produced by cells of the immune system) whose production is accelerated when the TRL7 receptor is “stirred” by the presence of the virus.
“When this TRL7 receptor is activated, women generally produce more interferons than men. The TRL7 gene is on the X chromosome, in two copies in women”says Jean-Charles Guery, Inserm research director, co-author of the study.
Another interesting point: this production of interferons does not decrease over time.
“We observed that this immune response was maintained with age. Even in people over 80, we had more interferons in women than in men. maintains, women will better control the virus during the early phase, where they will produce more interferons.This time it involves a mechanism that is no longer linked to estrogens, since their production decreases with age, but probably at genetic effects”continues Jean-Charles Guéry.
A very promising track according to Dr. Kierzek.
“This study is interesting because it describes how the immune response works in women. It remains to be seen now why women have more interferons than men. Is it a hormonal factor? Where do men have poorer immune defenses because they are exposed to more risk factors (heart disease, tobacco, obesity, etc.)? When in doubt, it is better not to draw too hasty conclusions”.
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A new clinical trial should see the light of day
Scientists will then try to “modulate” the immune system of infected people to help them fight the virus. To do this, an upcoming clinical trial on a molecule developed by an American company should see the light of day. It will aim to stimulate the production of interferons in the elderly.
“We are thus trying to see if, in people who take this molecule, there is a response and a boost in the immune defences. This could be against Covid, but also seasonal flu”concludes the research director.