Why are we so hungry before our period arrives?

Why are we so hungry before our period arrives

Sugar, fat… A few days before your period arrives, are we no longer holding you back? That’s why.

You are not alone! “Some women, as their period approaches, develop a ferocious appetite for sweet foods. Sometimes these cravings last throughout the period of menstruation” confirms Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, straight away. But why? A few days before the start of your period, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, which has a direct impact on our mood. “Progesterone has an anxiolytic action: its fall, as the period approaches, plunges us into a certain anxiety and causes us peaks of irritability, explains Dr. Bagot. To compensate, the body will naturally be attracted to a “gentle” diet in order to find comfort there. As for the drop in estrogen levels, it brings with it a decrease in the level of serotonin, a feel-good hormone. Here again, to compensate for this lack and replenish serotonin stocks, the body will naturally request sweet foods because the consumption of cakes, chocolate and other sweets promotes the synthesis of this hormone, nicknamed “happiness hormone”. Result, during the period of this cycle, it is not not uncommon to gain 1 to 2 kilosquickly lost once menstruation has passed.

How to deal with cravings before your period?

  • Don’t skip any of the three main meals
  • Add a snack
  • Structure your plate by providing a portion of proteins (meat, fish, eggs, tofu, etc.) accompanied by a portion of starchy foods (cereals or legumes) and vegetables. The combination of protein and fiber has an immediate and long-term appetite suppressant effect: this allows you to curb your appetite and limit cravings during the day.
  • Preferably turn to foods with a medium to low Glycemic Index (whole grains, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables): by releasing energy over the long term, they have the advantage of stagnating for a long time. I
  • Certain food supplements can also help you. “Those based on tryptophan and chromium have the advantage of reducing sugary compulsions, recommends Dr. Bagot. I recommend taking them at the end of the day, around 4-5 p.m., the time slot most sensitive to snacking.“.

It is also important to relax: the mood swings experienced during this period can aggravate our sugar cravings: the practice of relaxation (meditation, breathing, cardiac coherence, etc.), gentle gymnastics (Tai Chi, yoga or walking) can help reduce take our nervousness down and limit food intake. You can also go towards alternative medicine: essential oils for example. In a small bottle, mix 20 drops of essential oil of cinnamon and 20 drops of essential oil nutmeg (looking at the contraindications before). These two essences lure the brain by sending it a message of satiety. Also, inhaling this preparation as soon as the craving arises helps distract your body from the desire to eat. Finally, you can try homeopathy by taking Antimonium crudum 9CH 3 granules twice a day.
