Why Are Unfinished Games Published?

Why Are Unfinished Games Published

In today’s gaming industry, many games are released before they are completed. So why are so many unfinished games released? The answer to this question lies in the complex nature of the industry.

Why are unfinished games published??” question is a frequently encountered issue in today’s game industry. The fact that games can be easily updated, especially on digital platforms, causes this situation to occur more frequently. However, before understanding the subject in depth, it is necessary to explain the concept of unfinished games.

The Most Important Question of the Latest Period: Why Are Unfinished Games Published?

Economic Pressures

Many game studios are under pressure to release their games by a certain date. These dates often coincide with fiscal year ends, holiday seasons, or major events. If the studio misses these dates, there could be major losses in expected revenues. Therefore, sometimes games are released with missing features or bugs.

Update Culture

Nowadays, with the widespread use of the internet, online updates for games have become very easy. This gives developers the opportunity to fix and improve the game even after release. However, this causes some studios to tend to release the game before it is completed and then update it.

Marketing Strategies

Some games delaying their previously announced launch dates can disrupt marketing strategies and leave fans disappointed. As such, studios may often view releasing unfinished games as a less detrimental option than disappointing fans.

Early Access and Beta Tests

Some games are released in “Early Access” or “Beta” versions while they are in development. This gives developers the opportunity to collect feedback and improve the game together with the community. However, sometimes this can cause the game to remain unfinished for a long time.

High Development Costs

Developing a game is an expensive business, and sometimes studios feel under pressure to release the game quickly to save costs and recoup their investment.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Disgrace

Cyberpunk 2077 is a highly anticipated science fiction role-playing game developed by CD Projekt Red. However, with the game’s release in 2020, it faced many problems and criticism.

Why Are Unfinished Games Published?

  • The Gap Between Expectations and Reality: The game created great anticipation with promotional campaigns and trailers. However, the launch of the game did not meet expectations. The graphics did not match the trailers shown and the game had many technical problems.
  • Technical Problems and Errors: The game experienced performance problems, especially on old generation consoles. Problems such as freezes, low frame rates and visual errors attracted the reaction of players.
  • Recalls and Refunds: Following technical problems and player complaints, the game was removed from many digital stores and players were offered refunds.
  • CD Projekt Red’s Attitude: The company was criticized for not providing enough information to players about the status of the game and not acknowledging the problems. However, he later acknowledged these issues, apologized and stated that they would work to fix the game.
  • Updates and Fixes: CD Projekt Red has released a number of updates to fix the game’s issues. With these updates, the performance and stability of the game has been increased.

Player Reaction and Criticisms: The player community was disappointed by these issues with Cyberpunk 2077’s launch. However, many players appreciated the game’s content and story.

LotR: What About Gollum?

A similar situation also applies to Gollum, the spin-off game of the Lord of the Rings series published by Deadalic at the beginning of last summer. All the mistakes that should not be made, especially for such a big brand, were made together. The result is obvious. Deadalic was withdrawn from game development, shattering players’ trust in the series.

Why Are Unfinished Games Published?  - 2

Why Are Unfinished Games Published?


Unfortunately, in situations like this, we, the players, suffer the most. Although we can accept that the game is offered in early access, we expect the productions that are offered directly for sale without going into early access to be at least more finished. We all know the game Baldur’s Gate 3, which works wonders even in early access. I wish all developer and publisher companies could have the same responsibility, so that our gaming pleasure would continue uninterrupted and the productions we were eagerly awaiting would not be disappointing for us.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an unfinished game?

An unfinished game refers to a version where some features are missing, there are bugs, or the game is not fully stable. These types of games are often supplemented with updates after release.

2. Why are games released before they are completed?

There may be many reasons; such as economic pressures, maintaining a specific launch date, marketing strategies, the aim of early contact with players to get early feedback, and the need to offset development costs.

3. What is early access?

Early access is a model in which an unfinished version of the game is offered to players. In this way, game studios can receive player feedback and shape the game according to this feedback.

4. How do players react to unfinished games?

Player reactions are mixed. Some are happy to be given early access, but others don’t like paying for an unfinished product.

5. What risks do game studios take when releasing unfinished games?

Studios take the risk that player reactions may be negative, the game may not reach the expected sales figures, and the brand image may be damaged.

6. How often are game updates made?

It varies depending on the state of the game, the studio’s goals, and player feedback. However, updates are usually made frequently in the first weeks for unfinished games.

7. Should I buy unfinished games?

This all depends on the player’s personal preference. By purchasing an early access game, you can contribute to the development of the game, but you may also receive an incomplete or buggy experience.

8. What role do marketing strategies play in the unfinished release of the game?

Timing of marketing campaigns, pre-order offers or special promotions may encourage the game to be released on a specific date, which may result in the game being released in an incomplete state.

9. What are the economic pressures in the gaming industry?

High development costs, pressure to generate revenue within a given financial year, and the need to stand out in a competitive market are just some of the economic pressures in the gaming industry.

10. Will the unfinished game trend continue in the future?

This depends on the reaction of the gaming industry and the gamer community. However, with the rise of digital distribution and update culture, it is thought that this trend will partially continue.
