“Why are there so many stupid people today”

Why are there so many stupid people today

Finland will meet Germany today in the World Hockey Championships at 20:20. The match will be followed moment by moment on Urheilu’s website and app.

TAMPERE. Pekka Kangasalu arrives in the lobby of the competition hotel in Tampere wearing a t-shirt of the German national team.

The 45-year-old experienced coach seems very calm about the fact that he gets to coach in the World Cup almost at home. Kangasalus lives a good twenty kilometers away from the Tampere arena.

He hasn’t had time to get excited about it any more, because there have been enough running things.

– We arrived here yesterday, and the bags have not yet been unpacked. You should also take the laundry home to wash. Thoughts are about everyday things, Kangasalus, who is Germany’s assistant coach, described to Urheilu on Thursday.

Germany will face Finland in the second game of the first group on Saturday. The meeting is already special because Kangasalu will meet many familiar faces from the 2017–18 season. He was Finland’s helper at the Olympics and the World Cup.

– As the game in Finland has approached, I have thought about all this a little more. Certainly a lot of emotions, a lot of acquaintances in the opponent’s dugout and in the stands.

– You still can’t quite understand what a unique opportunity this is, that all these things fall into place. Especially in the Suomi game, there are different emotions during the National Anthem and the National Anthem. I am very proud to be a part of it.

Jokers two seasons

Kangasalusta’s coaching career has had many twists and turns in recent years. Five years ago, he was hired as Jukurie’s head coach. He was fired after less than two seasons, but then found work on the Jokers.

It all ended last spring when Russia invaded Ukraine.

– Yes, it saddens me that it ended, how it ended. It would have been great to continue coaching. Personally, I had nothing bad to say.

– Of course, things are different now. All the decisions that Jokerit made, Finland in general and various companies made, are the right decisions in my opinion. No one should be in Russia right now.

Everyone knew that withdrawing from the series was the only right solution. However, the truth hit hard for many.

– The booth was full of unbelieving guys when Jari Kurri announced that this was here. It’s the kind of memory I never wanted to experience. However, it was the only correct solution.

With a league card

Only a few days had passed since Jari Kurr’s announcement when Kangasalus was there Tony Virran with Slovan Bratislava in the coaching team in the Slovak premier league. The spring ended with the Slovakian championship.

After that, Kangasalu had to wait for a longer training session for many months. Of course, he went to practice during the summer at the Columbus Blue Jackets’ development camp, but he was unemployed until November.

– Even though the Jokerit withdrew from the KHL, rumors started flying that next year we will be directly in the SM league. For a long time, I lived on the card that you stay in the Jokers and are coaches in the league, says Kangasalusta.

When this option failed, Kangasalus took over the care of her grandchild, who was less than a year old at the time.

– Grandchild was a life hole for me. I told my daughter that as long as I don’t have work, I can take care of her, and there’s no need to take her to daycare.

Going to Germany was a tough place

Kangasalutu was busy with the child from early morning until afternoon. It was also important mentally.

– Instead of lying at home and thinking about the births, I got to take care of him. I didn’t realize it at the time, but in retrospect I’ve thought that it was a great thing for myself and the whole family.

When Kangasalu got a job with the Bietigheim Steelers in the German premier league at the beginning of December, it was the long distance from his grandchild that hit him the hardest.

– For four months I went to care every day and suddenly I left for Bietigheim for three months. It was a tough place to leave, no denying it.

– The bond became so strong that it was definitely the biggest thing I missed in Germany. Now I was at camp again for a month, and the little kid is growing up pretty fast. I would love to be involved every day, but this is a matter of career choice.

Kangasalu has also spoken to a German For Bietigheim Zeitung (you switch to another service) of his grandchild. Kangasalutu revealed to the magazine that his mood rises after losing games when he sees a video of the child’s activities.

– He often does funny things and I can laugh at them. They also cheer me up when we’ve lost a game, he told the magazine.

The daughter was described as a medal holder

Although Kangasalusta’s home competitions are the first of their kind, they are familiar to the family. His two children worked at home games last year.

The fact that it was women who were handing out medals to athletes caused a stir on social media. For example, Peka’s daughter Ella held a medal plate in his hands at the ceremony.

Ella Kangasalus stated to that the most confusing thing was that the nasty comments only came on social media and mostly from women. He also said that none of those who handed out prizes experienced belittling or objectification at the games.

– People only see us for a couple of minutes on TV, and of course I understand how it looks. However, the competitions were a great experience in every way for everyone who was part of the awarding group.

The women who participated in the ceremony were described, among other things, as medal holders. How did you experience this as a father?

– Somehow it just makes me wonder why people today… how they cope. Is there nothing else to do but pay attention to such things? If the girls want to go there of their own free will, why should other people interfere.

– It didn’t affect me as a father in any way. What annoyed me more was why there are such stupid people today who bother about such things. They would go for a walk and forget about such things.

In addition to Ella, the youngest of Kangasalusta’s family daughters was working at the Games through a large partner. He was also on the ice during the award ceremony.

Kangasalustu says that Ella will also be participating in this year’s games to hand out prizes. He will be at least in the Finland-Germany game.

– I bet that quite a few others would also like to be in that role. Above all, meet new people. I see only positive things in it.

– I don’t think it’s about discrimination and I think everyone does what they want. But it seems that these days there are enough people who hurt people’s feelings. Every issue is addressed, and it’s a bad trend.
