Why are the Nutri-Score criteria going to be changed?

Why are the Nutri Score criteria going to be changed

The Nutri-Score index, which ranks processed foods from A to E, will change slightly.

To help consumers choose their processed products, a Nutri-Score was implemented in 2017 in France. From the letter A to the letter E, it is possible to know if the chosen food is more or less nutritionally favorable. The nutrients favored by this calculation are fibers, fruits and vegetables, proteins, pulses… And those to be limited are saturated fatty acids, calories, sugar or salt. This index affixed in the form of a logo is about to evolve.

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Certain products will be upgraded in relation to others, in the same category, and certain other references will automatically be downgraded: such as them frozen meals who will no longer be entitled to the letters A and B. The salt and sugar contained in these foods will weigh more in the calculation, products with whole grains will however be valued.

Fatty fish, such as salmon, herring, sardines, will score higher, the Red meat on the contrary will lose points. As for the oils, those which contain the least saturated fat and which are based on rapeseed, oil or nuts, will have a better score than the others.

The objective is to get as close as possible to the dietary recommendations formulated by the scientific committee. The modification will also take place in seven other European countries: Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and of course France. The measurement should be set up at the end of 2022. “A sufficiently long period will be left to the operators to allow the implementation of the logo“, however, said the Ministry of Health.

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