Why Are Players So Unhappy?

Why are you so unhappy and angry at everything? You may not be the ones ruling the game or cinema world, but it is up to you to direct your choices.

Dear friends, dear players! As the administrator of the Merlin’s Cauldron site, it is my duty to review your comments and decide on the content to be presented. I am ashamed to say that I would like to commiserate with you about some of the negativities I have seen lately, and maybe give you some “brother’s advice”.

The Distinction of Unhappiness

I’m sorry to see that, whether it’s out of desperation or adolescence, despair, aggression and anger are constantly starting to increase in your comments, regardless of the game, equipment or topic. Some people are concerned about the fact that God of War Ragnarok requires PSN, some are concerned about the graphics because they cannot have the newly released graphics cards. Let me tell you a secret, “We don’t have to own any of the games to enjoy them”.

I am over 50 years old and I have been involved with video games for almost forty years. I have played thousands of games and deleted thousands of them maybe after the first 3-5 minutes. But I have never soiled my tongue to the point of insulting a work that requires effort and the producer. Because there is no need. I can’t know if content that doesn’t appeal to me will reach anyone else, and I can’t worry about it and get on my nerves. It should not be forgotten that games are tools produced for entertainment and it is completely up to us to buy them or not.

I also cannot understand your opposition to “SJW” or “Social Justice Warrior” as it is used in Turkish, which has increased in the last few years (especially in our country). What is your effort to lynch everything that does not match the image you have developed in your mind? Take Ubisoft’s new Assassin’s Creed Shadows game, for example. One of the heroes will be of African origin. “So?” I can’t help but ask. Or Bella Ramsey does not look like the character Ellie in The Last of Us TV series. One wonders, “So what?” He can’t help but ask. If you don’t like it, you have a very powerful weapon in your hands. Don’t watch it, let it be. If you don’t like his acting, you are absolutely right. However, while we couldn’t praise Bella Ramsey, who proved herself in Game of Thrones, at the time, it seems completely pointless to criticize her for her acting now. If you want to see the same character created in the game, unfortunately it does not seem possible to achieve this, at least with today’s technology.

On the other hand, let’s talk about the ultra settings required in new games. I guess we don’t have to be able to play at the best quality. As long as it has good optimization. Yes, I understand you very well; If the game offers great visuals, you want to host it in the best way possible. However, we need to know that this is not always possible. To put it simply, it is not always possible to reach us economically. Still, it’s up to you to enjoy it. Lower the settings a bit, if you really want to play, put it at the bottom. But being on such an attack will only hurt you.

In some comments, I see my friends constantly arguing with each other. Those who try to overthrow the idea that another visitor does not like it, instead of adding value to the content with their comments. The topic gets longer and longer, sometimes we have friends whose IP we even have to block. Let me tell you right away, we review all comments one by one, but sometimes we may miss some by mistake. Sorry about that. When we notice or are warned, we take the necessary action.

Anyway, let’s continue without digressing too much. In the confusion of ideas as I mentioned above, all you get is your own anger rising. Of course, you will express your opinion, but remember that the people you are discussing with have their own opinion and believe in it. You know, right? No one has to accept the other person’s opinion.

The examples can be increased so much. We see hundreds of examples, from the LotR series to the Microsoft-Sony war, from the 5090 graphics card to the Call of Duty series. They all only get to the point where they get on our nerves.

My personal opinion is that “There is no need to strain too much.” Let it go and try to enjoy what is offered to you. If you don’t like it, don’t care. Believe me, the other party either does not care or their hands are tied to make the necessary change. I will say the same thing again, you don’t have to eat what is put on your plate. If there are people who think like you in the majority, you will give the right message.

I can improve this article so much that as it gets longer, I may not be able to convey the message I want to give to many people. That’s why I keep it as short as possible. What I’m saying is, try to enjoy life. It should not be understood as “be content with what you have”. But freedom of choice is on your side. That’s why I’ve recently turned to independent games and series, and believe me, I constantly play the ones that satisfy me. Moreover, they are not productions that cost around 40-50 dollars. 3-4 games that can be bought for 7-8 dollars. It neither strains my system nor my nerves. I am friendly recommending similar strategies to you.
