Why and how to choose a refurbished phone in 2022?

Why and how to choose a refurbished phone in 2022

Attractive price, action for the planet and special guarantees… Many factors encourage the purchase of reconditioned electrical appliances: speakers, washing machines, coffee machines or even laptops. But the refurbished device that is all the rage in recent years is undoubtedly the refurbished phone.

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In France, more and more consumers are opting for refurbished smartphones. Most of them are above all motivated by the accessibility of these products, which offer the possibility of acquiring recent generation devices at unbeatable prices. Consumer habits are changing: sales of new phones are falling and sales of refurbished smartphones at reduced prices are taking off.

Refurbished phone: the definition

A refurbished phone is not a used phone! Unlike a second-hand phone, which is often sold privately, a refurbished smartphone is sold by a professional reconditioner who has checked its working condition beforehand. Many refurbished smartphones are even repaired before they go on sale in perfect working order.

Resellers of refurbished devices are required to carry out tests on all the functionalities of said devices in order to verify that they meet legal security obligations as well as the use of end consumers. A refurbished electronic product – for example, an iPhone XR – must also have undergone all the procedures necessary to reset it.

Which refurbished phone to choose in 2022?

Should you opt for a cheap refurbished smartphone? Which refurbished phone should you choose to be satisfied with your purchase? There is no single answer to these questions. The best refurbished smartphone for you will be the one that meets your needs.

  • What are your types of uses (personal or professional)?
  • Do you need a large memory?
  • Are you a fan of the smartphone model?
  • Which screen size is best for your usage patterns?
  • Do you use Apple or Microsoft devices and systems?
  • Do you need particularly long battery life?

In terms of refurbished phones, the offer is extremely wide and you will have to ask yourself the right questions to select the device that will meet your needs.

If you use Apple devices daily, many applications and you are a fan of the iOS operating system…, a Refurbished iPhone XR can, for example, be a great option.

Where and how to buy a refurbished smartphone?

Today, getting a refurbished phone has become easy. You can buy your own refurbished smartphone in a physical store or on a specialized site such as the CertiDeal eshop which offers many high quality refurbished products, including the iPhone XR. Use the code FUTURA10 during your purchase to benefit from an immediate discount!

Purchases of refurbished devices such as smartphones, and especially refurbished iPhones, are regularly made online. Dematerialized platforms of this type allow consumers to compare offers and consult numerous opinions before making their choice.

Article written in partnership with CertiDeal

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