“Who will take care of my grandson now?”

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The parties to the SAS conflict must reach a compromise tonight, says Bystrzycka, who will travel by bus from Karlstad to Oslo and then – hopefully – fly to her daughter Monika in Reykjavik on Saturday.

Bystrzycka will travel by bus from Karlstad to Oslo and then – hopefully – fly to his daughter Monika in Reykjavik on Saturday. She hopes the parties to the SAS conflict will reach a compromise tonight.

– If the trip is canceled, it affects not only me, but mainly my daughter and her family. It is thought that I will take care of my granddaughter while Monika and her husband work, says Bystrzycka.

She emphasizes that her five-year-old granddaughter Felix is ​​too small to accompany her parents to work.

“You have to be realistic”

The pilots at SAS announced a strike from 29 June because the parties could not agree on a new collective agreement. According to the Swedish Pilot Association, the strike is about SAS not re-employing the 560 pilots notified during the pandemic and that the airline instead uses pilots from the subsidiaries SAS Link and SAS Connect, which act as staffing companies.

Although Bystrzycka was quite upset when the possible pilot strike was announced, she also has an understanding for the pilots.

– I can understand their side. It takes a long time and a lot of experience to become a good pilot, so I can completely agree. But you have to be realistic and think of other people. The parties need to reach a compromise.

Karolina Rask, whose flight with the family to New York on Saturday also risks being canceled, criticizes the chosen time for the strike:

– It feels very hard that you choose to put this strike right in the summer holidays. Why should families with children, who may only be able to afford a holiday once a year, be affected?

Hear more from Karolina Rask in the clip above.
