Who will receive the inflation bonus paid by CAF on November 15?

Who will receive the inflation bonus paid by CAF on

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting section (baby, pregnancy, family)

    Since the start of the school year, some French households have received exceptional aid, the inflation bonus. This Tuesday, November 15, a fourth payment will be made to help the most modest households.

    The sharp rise in inflation has forced the Government to offer aid to the poorest French households. Since the start of the school year, exceptional solidarity aid called the inflation bonus has been put in place and allows many households to benefit from additional aid to be able to live properly.

    Who receives the inflation bonus?

    The inflation bonus applies to certain allowances:

    • aspa,
    • AAH,
    • PLA,
    • SSA,
    • EAR,
    • Lump-sum bonus for resumption of activity,
    • SAR
    • Financial assistance for social and professional integration (AFIS)
    • Simple allowance for the elderly
    • RSA,
    • activity bonus
    • scholarship students.

    If you benefit from these allowances, you will not have to do anything, the premium will be paid automatically by the CAF. Please note that this new aid is not cumulative with those paid in September or October.

    Inflation bonus: a final payment on November 15

    This Tuesday, November 15, the fourth and final payment of the exceptional solidarity aid bonus called the inflation bonus will be donated by the CAF to the most modest households. The amount of this social assistance will be 28 euros per recipient, plus 14 euros per dependent child (under 20).

    Since September 15, the government has paid this exceptional back-to-school bonus of 100 euros (plus 50 euros per dependent child) to nearly 10.8 million households benefiting from social minima and scholarship students. As for the Christmas bonus, the basic amount of which is 152.45 euros, it should be paid on December 15. Each year, approximately 2.3 million households benefit from it.
