Who will be Minister of National Education?

Who will be Minister of National Education

Jean-Michel Blanquer is about to leave his post as Minister of National Education, which he has held for 5 years. While waiting for the government to unveil the constitution of the new government this Friday afternoon, some names are put forward…

[Mise à jour du 20 mai 2022 à 15h34]. Following the appointment ofElisabeth Borne as Prime Minister, the government should soon unveil the constitution of its new members alongside Emmanuel Macron. the cabinet reshuffle will indeed take place this Friday, May 20 afternoon, around 4:15 p.m. according to BFMTV, and the first Council of Ministers will be held this Monday, May 23. According to LCI, Rima Abdul-Malak, the current culture and communication adviser at the Elysée, will be appointed Minister of Culture, while Gérald Darmanin should keep his post. But who will be appointed Minister of National Education for the next 5 years? The mission is daunting, as students and teachers have been turned upside down by the Covid-19 crisis in recent years, and the baccalaureate reform… For its part, Jean-Michel Blanquer should leave the rue de Grenelle and even present himself for the legislative elections in the Loiret. This Thursday afternoon, the Acad’Ô Chœur choir, made up of teenagers aged 11 to 15, was to sing for the current Minister of Education on the occasion of the transfer of power. But the announcement of the reshuffle has not yet been announced, the young people simply pushed the song in front of the officials of the ministry…

Which minister will succeed Jean-Michel Blanquer?

Although no name has yet been officially announced, several ministers have been announced as favorites, including government spokesman Gabriel Attal, dynamic and close to the youth. Especially since according to BFM TV, Olivia Grégoire, Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy will be appointed government spokesperson. What we do know is that Gabriel Attal will remain in the government, in another post, which could also be that of Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (in place of Frédérique Vidal). Bruno Le Maire, whose name had been suggested, should retain his current post as Minister of the Economy. In addition, other names have been announced: Julien Denormandie or Olivier Véran. In any case, Emmanuel Macron intends to promote a “new method” to better meet the expectations and needs of the French, especially since Jean-Michel Blanquer has been repeatedly criticized for some of his measures taken during this five-year term. Reform of the baccalaureate, health protocol at school at each start of the school year, mask in primary school … The minister has multiplied the announcements, sometimes to the detriment of pupils and teachers, who have not failed to demonstrate in recent years. The challenge is therefore daunting for the next Minister of Education, who will have to take over the reins and prove himself by presenting an action plan for the next school year in 2022.
